More junior doctors opting for rural generalism Applications for the RACGP’s Rural Generalist Pathway are on the rise.
‘Exciting and worthwhile’: Medical life in the Solomon Islands newsGP speaks with two participants about their experiences in the Solomon Islands Medical Partnership for Learning, Education and Research.
RACGP aged care standards out for second review Following initial consultation last year, the college is seeking further feedback to its standards for aged care. newsGP details key updates.
Patient charter updated to align with Standards The update helps promote mutual understanding of the roles and responsibilities of patients and GPs while adhering to national healthcare rights.
‘Flexibility and investment’ needed to address rural GP shortage RACGP Rural Chair Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda has responded to a parliament address about regional health being at a crisis point.
Professional support over the general practice continuum The RACGP’s new remediation suite provides guidance for managing performance concerns at any stage of a general practice career.
Calling GPs in training After launching last year, the RACGP’s new National Faculty for GPs in Training has moved rapidly to offer support and advocacy.
RACGP to replace OSCE with new clinical exam from 2021 The new exam will better reflect contemporary assessment principles for GPs working towards Fellowship.
General practice accreditation process on hold Requirements to renew accreditation under the National General Practice Accreditation Scheme have been updated.