Creating an honest and open environment Dr Erin Gordon believes building trust with patients is the foundation of being a good GP.
Extending skills and knowledge through general practice An inspiring mentor and the challenge of maintaining broad medical knowledge made a general practice career an easy choice for Dr Maya Luks.
New round of PEP positions for non-VR doctors The RACGP has announced a second intake for its new Practice Experience Program, with a further 200 places to become available.
Practice Experience Program has launched to support non-VR doctors The RACGP program is designed to provide non-vocationally registered doctors with the support they need to attain Fellowship.
RACGP to expand training into China Health authorities in China have proposed a partnership with the RACGP to help train new GPs as part of efforts to considerably increase the country’s primary care workforce.
Why mastery of medicine is a dangerous myth Dr Karen Price discusses how to conquer impostor syndrome and ease the passage from medical school to clinical practice.
RACGP awards largest education research grant to date The funded project aims to identify and catalogue means of measuring and predicting progress through workplace-based assessments.
New Quality Standards for Aged Care released The updated standards are part of reforms designed to improve the way aged care is delivered in Australia, but the RACGP’s Vice President is cautious about the impact they may have on the sector.
The GP who helped hundreds of IMGs gain Fellowship Dr Farooq Ahmad has taken it upon himself to help hundreds of international medical graduates attain RACGP Fellowship over the past 13 years.
China wants to train 500,000 new GPs by 2030 China is looking to GPs and primary care to take the strain off its healthcare system.