Strengthening Medicare report recommends funding longer consultations Greater investment to support multidisciplinary teams in general practice has also been proposed, but increased Medicare rebates are not mentioned.
Pushback against Premier’s nationwide pharmacy prescribing call Dominic Perrottet is set to raise the topic at National Cabinet, but the RACGP is urging leaders to prioritise patient safety ahead of pharmacy profits.
Heart attack risk: Is expanded cholesterol testing warranted? Some specialists say screening is needed to detect ‘bad cholesterol’ linked to heart attacks in younger people, but the RACGP is cautious.
Huge rise in cervical self-collection uptake But Dr Lara Roeske is still urging for stronger public health messages and support to help alleviate the extra onus placed on GPs.
Should an urgent care standard be established? With more urgent care centres on the way, one GP makes the case for introducing consistency across jurisdictions – but not all agree.
In Practice: Skin cancer clinical risk management A new webinar is set to delve into risk management and medico-legal issues that can arise in general practice skin cancer treatment.
Help needed to navigate ‘complex’ end-of-life care: RACGP Investing in care coordinators and identifying gaps in access are among the keys to quality end-of-life care, a college submission to the ACSQHC suggests.
Research finds ‘reassuring’ cognitive data for people with HIV A study has found people on stable HIV treatment mirror normal severe cognitive decline patterns, but suggests vulnerability to subtle declines.
‘Little faith’ in vexatious notifications filter A college submission to the Health Practitioner Ombudsman has suggested a number of improvements for AHPRA’s processes.
Health reform an ‘urgent priority’: Premiers’ new year push With the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce report imminent, state politicians are ensuring general practice remains at the top of the national agenda.