General practice wait times ‘longer than acceptable’ for almost one in five Australians While most people rate their health and GP experiences positively, accessibility continues to vary depending on where they live, according to a new report.
Report reveals veterans’ suicide risk Ex-servicemen have the highest suicide rates, and ex-servicewomen are more than twice as likely to take their own life as women who have never served.
Report the ‘first step’ towards nationwide primary care data asset The massive data collection program should improve patient outcomes while potentially raising the profile and political leverage of general practice.
Keeping the body in mind: Social prescribing and mental health Professor Katherine Boydell discusses the efficacy of non-medical interventions on mental health.
GPs on frontline of $9.1 billion battle Demand for mental health care continues to grow, with 2.4 million Australians receiving Medicare-subsidised services in 2016–17.
GP mental health consultations continuing to rise The latest Mental health services in Australia report highlights the most common mental health problems seen in general practice.
LifeSpan: A focus on preventing suicide newsGP spoke with the Black Dog Institute’s Dr Michelle Tye about LifeSpan, Australia’s largest-scale suicide-prevention trial.
New report exposes severity of harm caused by opioid use The AIHW has shed light on the global issue of harm from opioid use, focusing on comparisons between Australia and Canada.
Report shows significant growth in Australian health expenditure Most of the increase in health spending, which has risen to more than $7400 per person, is driven by federal, state and territory governments.
Sharp increase in deaths from suicide sparks calls for nationwide prevention plan The Director of the Black Dog Institute says the rise in Australia’s suicide rate can be tackled with a nationwide evidence-based prevention plan.