South Australia to address rural GP shortage The South Australian Government has drafted a plan to try and fix the major shortfall in its rural primary care workforce.
Eliminating stigma in practice Stigma and discrimination can be significant barriers to healthcare for marginalised patients – but a new resource aims to help practitioners identify these barriers, and break through them.
Removing barriers to care for young onset dementia Dr Wendy Kelso talks about helping people with young onset dementia access treatment, no matter where they live.
No such thing as certainty: Lessons from a career in general practice Dr Chris Hogan offers advice to new medical graduates.
Changes to health workforce distribution system come into effect newsGP explains the changes and what they mean for rural and remote GPs, international medical graduates and the communities they serve.
Policy responses to increasing workforce supply Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda wants to start a discussion to support planning around a future Australian medical training model.
Why does Australia no longer have a dedicated rural health minister? Peak health bodies have expressed concern over the lack of a dedicated rural health minister in the new-look Morrison ministry.
Financial incentives not effective in tackling rural GP shortages A new study has found non-financial factors to be more important when determining where to live and work.
New guidelines for telehealth consultations The updated RACGP resource is designed to help practices make use of MBS-supported video consultations.
General practice education is not the universal solution GP and researcher Dr Melinda Choy questions whether reliance on general practice education is effective – or drowned out.