What DVA-funded services are available in general practice? The department’s Chief Health Officer outlines the key funded healthcare services available for veterans outside of the MBS.
Primary care sustainability: Opportunity to hear from world leader At GP22, Denmark’s Professor Jens Søndergaard will discuss how his country reduced its reliance on hospitals by investing in primary care.
General Practice Crisis Summit: Key outcomes High-level solutions were discussed in working groups and summarised into recommendations to inform the RACGP White Paper.
General practice summit: ‘We have a crisis on our hands that is incontrovertible’ RACGP leadership and healthcare stakeholders gathered at Old Parliament House for a ‘unique opportunity’ to establish solutions to ensure general practice sustainability.
Future of general practice on the agenda at emergency summit The RACGP is bringing together leaders to discuss solutions to key issues related to general practice sustainability, saying ‘immediate action’ is required.
Is enough done to deter violence in general practice? An encounter with an aggressive patient, and the fallout that ensued, was enough for one GP to consider moving away from the profession.
How do GPs practice cultural humility? New research is hoping to improve health outcomes by identifying practitioners’ gaps in the understanding and application of cultural humility.
WA tour to help tackle rural crisis College leadership met with rural members as part of advocacy efforts to address the state’s general practice ‘workforce crisis’.
Outcomes from the new CVD risk calculator depend on integration The benefits of updated guidelines will be missed if implementation issues are not urgently addressed, a GP and CVD researcher believe.
People do not understand general practice – and that’s a major problem There is a need to move on from ‘production line clicks’ favoured by health managers and embrace the complexity of general practice, writes Adjunct Professor Karen Price.