Aged care deaths mount as Omicron takes a toll More COVID deaths have occurred in the first 15 weeks of this year than all of 2020 and 2021 combined. But is a return to locked down facilities a viable solution?
In Practice: Upskilling and networking opportunities A bumper edition of In Practice features new tips on named referrals, information on upcoming webinars, and much more.
RACGP speaks out on lack of 10-year plan funding ‘Whoever forms government’ must invest in primary care or risk compromising the entire health system, says President Dr Karen Price.
Caution advised over heart screening tests SPONSORED: Dr Jane Deacon reviews the findings from a recent coronial inquest, including the implications for GPs.
Federal Budget breakdown: What GPs need to know This year’s Federal Budget is targeted at addressing the increasing cost of living for many Australians post-COVID-19 – and preparing the political landscape for the upcoming election.
Budget fallout: RACGP disappointment over 10-year plan Despite previous Government assurances, vital components of the Primary Health Care 10 Year Plan remain unfunded, President Dr Karen Price has said.
New risk assessment tool for mild COVID patients The matrix is designed to give GPs an indication of the risks patients have of developing more severe disease.
GPs overlooked in draft plan to end family violence The RACGP has criticised the omission, pointing out that survivor-victims seek help from GPs more than any other professional group.
At-risk COVID patients in WA directed to GPs for antiviral access The WA Department of Health has changed the mechanism for prescribing antiviral treatments through its COVID Care at Home program.
Progress on stillbirth prevention and support in general practice The RACGP has welcomed development of a new stillbirth clinical standard, which is expected to provide ‘fit-for-purpose’ guidance for GPs.