Avoidable presentations clog EDs as general practice waits for funding Close to three million emergency presentations last financial year were ‘avoidable’, a Productivity Commission report has stated.
Australians with a mental health condition face higher barriers to accessing healthcare: study Australians with mental health issues have more difficulty accessing the vital healthcare they need, a new study has found
April issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available The latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice, the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is now available online.
Overhaul of Practice Incentives Program delayed until May 2019 The RACGP has welcomed the delay of the Federal Government’s proposed Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement Incentive, as an opportunity to ensure that it is designed correctly and works for general practice.
Wealth and health: Calls for equal healthcare access Research released this week has revealed Australians of lower socioeconomic status are at far greater risk of poor health.