Taking steps to combat another deadly flu season Will six million free doses of flu vaccine be enough to curb the predicted thousands of deaths in 2019?
Millions given to end rheumatic heart disease Around $35 million has been earmarked to combat the illness, which kills up to 150 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples a year.
Cervical cancer could be all but eliminated in 80 years: Lancet study Cervical cancer could be eliminated by 2100 if the world rapidly moves to introduce HPV vaccines and screening, according to a new study.
South Australia broadens meningococcal B vaccination scheme Australia’s only meningococcal B immunisation program has been expanded, giving South Australians aged 15–21 access to the free vaccines.
Vaccine hesitancy a top threat to global health: WHO The WHO has declared reluctance to vaccinate a major threat to public health, as a number of diseases that were close to elimination see a resurgence.
New figures confirm positive outcomes for vaccine adherence The AIHW has released a series of factsheets on vaccine-preventable diseases, detailing impacts and rates of infection, hospitalisation and vaccination throughout the country.
Australia on the verge of eliminating cervical cancer thanks to HPV vaccine and screening programs Cervical cancer is on track to be eliminated as a public health issue by 2020.
Dramatic drop in Victorian flu cases attributed to high vaccination rate An 85% decrease in flu cases across the state has encouraged the Victorian Government to continue funding influenza vaccines for children under five.
What’s it like working for a social enterprise clinic? Dr Ai-lene Chan writes for newsGP about her experiences working at a Brisbane clinic designed to help asylum seekers and refugees access healthcare.
‘Sacrificial virgins’: Balancing freedom of speech and issues of public health British broadcaster Joan Shenton may fail to gain a visa to support her anti-HPV vaccine documentary in Australia. Does this help the interests of the greater good, and how should GPs address any patient concerns raised by the film?