Health of the Nation: Your opportunity to have your say The Australia-wide survey for the 2018 edition of the RACGP’s landmark ‘General practice: Health of the nation’ report begins on Tuesday 10 April.
GP questions study claiming pharmacists in practices lead to better outcomes Prominent healthcare quality expert Dr Evan Ackermann has told newsGP there are issues with a study suggesting placing pharmacists in general practices leads to a reduction in drug-related problems.
Moving care from hospital to the community RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel addressed delegates at the 4th International Health Care Reform Conference in Sydney, speaking on the topic, ‘moving care from hospital to community’.
Close the gap: Identity, culture and resilience Close the Gap representative Banok Rind has urged all people in Australia to reflect on 10 years of efforts to address healthcare inequalities while speaking at the RACGP’s Close the Gap Day event in Melbourne.
Increase in young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working or studying Recent statistics showing an increase in the number of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are fully engaged in work and/or study can help to establish lifelong health gains, Associate Professor Peter O’Mara told newsGP.
GP of the Year joins campaign to protect town from dangerous dust RACGP GP of the Year Dr Amanda Bethell has teamed up with Greenpeace to campaign against environmental damage and serious health risks being caused by the closed Augusta Power Stations site.
New legislation for notifiable data breaches New legislative requirements under the Federal Government’s Notifiable Data Breaches scheme came into effect from today, with the government aiming to set ‘new standards of accountability and transparency to protect individuals’ personal information’.
Vale Dr Margaret Hollands Dr Margaret Hollands, one of the first female members of the RACGP, passed away on 16 February. newsGP looks at the life and career of a pioneering woman of Australian healthcare.
Tenth anniversary of the National Apology Associate Professor Peter O’Mara, Chair of RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, reflects on the decade since then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd formally apologised to Australia’s Stolen Generations.
Hospital complications show need for more preventive health: RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel has recommended a greater focus on preventive health in response to a report on patient complication rates in Australian hospitals.