Professional coaching can reduce burnout in doctors Researchers have found coaching should be considered a ‘complementary strategy’ in reducing work-related stress.
How can GPs best end a therapeutic relationship? Aggressive or lovelorn patients are common reasons why GPs may need to transfer care.
Study shows rapid rise in early screen time The trend has prompted calls for health professionals to warn parents about what’s been described as a ‘sponge on development’.
General practice education is not the universal solution GP and researcher Dr Melinda Choy questions whether reliance on general practice education is effective – or drowned out.
New paper discusses barriers to optimal asthma management Issues relating to asthma management include poor self-management by patients and a lack of public awareness.
Why we must build bridges to achieve our highest goals Dr Edwin Kruys writes about the BridgeBuilders project, which aims to boost collaboration in healthcare.
New online cancer survivorship course offers GPs a different way of learning Professor Jon Emery talks to newsGP about an upcoming massive open online course about cancer survivorship in primary care.
Examining changes to advance care planning laws Associate Professor Joel Rhee talks to newsGP about recent changes to Victoria’s advance care planning laws, and how more financial support for GPs could help encourage greater uptake among patients.
Changes to Victorian advance care planning laws The RACGP believes that GPs’ ongoing and trusted relationships with their patients means they are well positioned to initiate and promote advance care planning.
Accepting gifts: How much is too much? Would you accept bottles of wine every couple of months from a patient? A $200 gift voucher for a meal? An envelope containing $1000 in cash? A recent disciplinary hearing involving a GP considered all of these issues.