Press Club appearance to help drive conversation on Medicare reform At a critical time for healthcare in Australia, Dr Nicole Higgins will discuss why investment is needed to safeguard the future of general practice.
Government spending on general practice falls Australia’s GPs are ‘busier than ever’ but expenditure per person on general practice has decreased.
Strengthening Medicare report recommends funding longer consultations Greater investment to support multidisciplinary teams in general practice has also been proposed, but increased Medicare rebates are not mentioned.
Pushback against Premier’s nationwide pharmacy prescribing call Dominic Perrottet is set to raise the topic at National Cabinet, but the RACGP is urging leaders to prioritise patient safety ahead of pharmacy profits.
Positive meeting gives hope for payroll tax exemptions The Queensland Treasurer has told RACGP representatives that all options remain open and that he would like it discussed at National Cabinet.
In Practice: RACGP Specific Interests Zoomapalooza Members can gain valuable CPD Reviewing Performance hours via an upcoming online event featuring case-based discussion and collaboration.
Climate disasters having profound impact on mental health Half of the respondents to a new poll say their mental health has been detrimentally affected by an extreme weather event.
Huge rise in cervical self-collection uptake But Dr Lara Roeske is still urging for stronger public health messages and support to help alleviate the extra onus placed on GPs.
How long does it take for skin to repair after sun exposure? Most of the damage can be eliminated after a few days, but potentially serious long-term effects mean it is better to avoid getting burnt altogether.
Healthcare reform debate heats up ahead of National Cabinet The RACGP has warned against the use of ‘band-aid’ solutions to fix Medicare, amid calls for private insurers to cover GP gap payments and ‘empowering’ allied health to extend their scope of practice.