‘No plans’ to allow private health cover of GP care The Health Minister ruled out scrapping a ban on the insurers subsidising GP visits, citing concerns it would create a two-tier healthcare system.
Concern psychiatrist walk-out will trigger mental health crisis How will the mass resignation of 200 public health psychiatrists in NSW affect GPs already managing high demand for mental health consults?
HealthLink pauses fee rollout The introduction of new costs for GPs to use HealthLink has been put on hold with the provider saying it will ‘undergo a period of consultation’.
Contraceptive pill Slinda recommended for PBS listing In its decision, the PBAC highlighted the importance of patients having access to a range of contraceptive options without cost barriers.
How popular is the new GP expedited pathway? AHPRA says it is receiving up to 15 applications each week from GPs since the pathway’s launch in October, with 80% coming from the UK.
Impact of proposed older GP health checks revealed New data shows 3142 GPs could undergo an AHPRA assessment for GPs aged over 70, leaving the RACGP concerned this could worsen workforce shortages.
General practice ‘front and centre’ this Federal Election An overhaul of bulk billing and the GP workforce are emerging as key issues ahead of the 2025 election, with Labor expected to announce major changes.
‘Breakthrough’ blood test for endometriosis: Study A new and non-invasive way to test early for the often-debilitating condition has been developed by Australian researchers.
HealthLink reveals new subscription fees The provider has sent out alerts about the incoming fees to many GPs and practices, with costs for larger clinics listed at $1000 a year.
In Practice: EOIs to join ATAGI Australia’s immunisation advisory group is seeking applications for new members to provide advice to the Federal Health Minister.