Rural and remote health still behind the cities: report The health gulf between Australia’s well-served major cities and its rural and remote regions is still wide.
Calls for greater awareness of context in guidelines for doctor–patient boundaries The RACGP wants more clarity in the Medical Board of Australia’s proposed new guidelines on personal doctor–patient relationships.
April issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available The latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice, the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is now available online.
RACGP President expresses concerns about changes to register of practitioners Dr Bastian Seidel does not believe the Medical Board of Australia’s changes to the register strike the right balance between patient safety and practitioner privacy.
RACGP frustrated with lack of consideration in Productivity Commission recommendations The RACGP is disappointed with the Productivity Commission’s failure to heed its recommendations on key Australian healthcare issues in its final report on reforms to the human services sector, President Dr Bastian Seidel told newsGP.
RACGP calls for better support for GPs providing aged care services GPs’ central role in the care of older Australians is being compromised by a lack of proper support and resources, according to the RACGP’s submission to the Department of Health’s Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce.
GPs and their central place in maternity care Dr Wendy Burton, GP and Chair of the RACGP Antenatal/Postnatal Care Specific Interests network, talks to newsGP about advocating for the GP’s role in delivering comprehensive maternity care.
Examining changes to advance care planning laws Associate Professor Joel Rhee talks to newsGP about recent changes to Victoria’s advance care planning laws, and how more financial support for GPs could help encourage greater uptake among patients.
Potential health effects of increasing homelessness Australia’s homeless population has increased by almost 5% in the last five years, with 50 out of every 10,000 people experiencing homelessness, new research from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed.
Changes to Victorian advance care planning laws The RACGP believes that GPs’ ongoing and trusted relationships with their patients means they are well positioned to initiate and promote advance care planning.