What does the MBA’s Professional Performance Framework mean for continuing professional development? The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has announced a new performance framework designed to ensure doctors across the country provide patients with safe and competent care.
New site collates cancer data from across Australia Cancer Australia’s new interactive website is designed to provide healthcare professionals and patients with ‘national data across the continuum of cancer control’.
80% of Australians have a regular GP: The importance of continuity of care Long considered a core component of general practice, continuity of care is becoming increasingly complex in the world of modern general practice.
Shining a light on perinatal depression and anxiety The statistics on late maternal mortality in Australia are stark.
Australian GPs delivering quality in the face of high demand General practice remains the most commonly accessed healthcare service in Australia, with new statistics showing more than eight out of 10 people visited a GP in the last 12 months.
New clinical standard to help address variation in care for heavy menstrual bleeding The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) recently launched its Heavy menstrual bleeding clinical care standard (the Standard), with the goals of informing best practice for healthcare providers and empowering the 25% of women of reproductive age who experience the condition.
New Cancer Australia guide for GPs on investigation of breast symptoms Cancer Australia’s new Investigation of a new breast symptom: A guide for general practitioners has been developed in recognition of the vital role GPs play in the assessment of possible breast cancer symptoms.
How to write effective referral letters – three useful examples Referral letters are a vital, if time-consuming, aspect of a GP’s life. A well-written referral can make all the difference when a patient visits a specialist, and show a level of care and expertise on the part of the referring clinician.
Productivity Commission report recognises importance of general practice in Australian healthcare The Productivity Commission’s latest report, released to the public yesterday, contains detailed recommendations for a significant overhaul of Australia’s health system, including strong recognition of the importance of preventive and primary care.
Closing the smoking gap for pregnant women With as many as 45% of pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women smoking during pregnancy, compared to 13% of non-Indigenous women, it is vital that healthcare professionals are equipped with the best available tools to aid in their smoking cessation.