Where will Labor’s 50 planned urgent care clinics be located? A re-elected Labor Government will spend $644 million to roll out extra bulk-billing UCCs across Australia by mid-2026. But the RACGP has concerns.
‘Not the solution’: RACGP signs joint statement against UCCs In renewed protest, the National Council of Primary Care Doctors warned the centres could create ‘permanent fragmentation of care’.
Greens pledge sweeping GP investment The RACGP welcomed the party’s plan to increase rebates and up GP trainees’ pay but condemned a rollout of 1000 free healthcare clinics.
GPs speak out amid walk-in centre concerns GPs say they are increasingly troubled about the fragmentation of care the nurse-led centres create and the model’s impact on patient safety.
‘Wrong priorities’: RACGP President airs Budget concern Urgent Care Centres will receive a $227 million boost in the Budget, but Dr Nicole Higgins says this is ‘window dressing to the problem’.
Nurse-led clinics ‘another slap in the face’ The RACGP has strongly criticised the establishment of five new urgent care clinics in the ACT, saying they contradict Federal guidance.
New group looks to address urgent care needs A recently formed RACGP Specific Interest group aims to help raise the standard of urgent and emergency treatment in primary care.