Push to align MBS rebate for liver fibrosis test A new application for liver scanning technology proposes a rebate of $101.70 in general practice and $141.75 for non-GP specialists.
Novel blood test predicts kidney disease A blood test for detecting risk of developing diabetic kidney disease is now available in Australia, but a GP expert raises some concerns.
Key to bacterial vaginosis treatment unlocked GPs say clinical changes could be on the way after a landmark study confirmed the condition is an STI, with its recurrence halved when a woman’s partner is treated simultaneously.
Heart Health Check funding uncertain With funding for the program set to expire in June, an extension is still being considered by the major political parties.
Aboriginal-led study sees 30% achieve diabetes remission A first-of-its-kind study in Australia has highlighted the importance of community-led initiatives in diabetes management.
Online tool helps lower dementia risk Research shows online lifestyle intervention improves cognition in older adults, with GPs ‘essential in implementing this work’.
RACGP calls for improved resources for tick-borne diseases As part of a Senate investigation into the illnesses, the college says GPs must be equipped with clear and evidence-based information.
Live from GP24: Understanding inflammatory bowel disease Recorded live at GP24 in Perth, host Dr Tim Koh talks with Dr Luca Crostella, an experienced gastroenterologist, about the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease.
‘Promising’ new statistical tool predicts dementia onset Early research shows the model can predict onset more accurately than similar tools, with hopes it will give patients more time to make decisions.
Japanese encephalitis virus spreads to new areas With the virus detected in NSW and Victoria and the season’s first human case, GPs should be prepared for patients asking about protection.