Study reveals mental health toll of workplace injury It found an injury done at work may be worse for mental health than an injury sustained elsewhere, with GPs to take a ‘holistic approach’.
Blood protein provides clue for kids’ concussion recovery New research suggests the level of alpha-1-ACT post-injury may reveal whether a child will experience ongoing concussion symptoms.
What is the impact of bringing birth forward? New Australian research into elective induction of labour at 39 weeks gestation has revealed good news for mothers and their health outcomes.
Changes made to COVID Vaccine Claims Scheme The Department of Health and Aged Care has removed and added certain conditions that can be claimed in relation to COVID vaccine adverse reactions.
Sporting codes should change to limit dementia risk: RACGP The call was included in a submission for the National Dementia Action Plan, with traumatic head injuries a recognised risk factor for the disease.
COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme now open GPs will play a leading role by providing a medical report for potential claimants under the scheme.
Nearly half of Australia’s suicides potentially avoidable More than 145,000 years of healthy life was lost in Australia in 2019 due to suicide and self-harm, but four key factors could reduce that figure.
What role do GPs have in supporting work participation? New resources aim to provide further support when navigating the ‘extremely complex’ process.
Rest or exercise following concussion? An updated body of work suggests the latter, building on substantial evidence that bedrest can potentially cause long-term risk.
Early recognition and management of concussion ‘critical’ High-profile injuries and emerging research is helping to chart appropriate assessment and management of concussion and its long-term impacts.