Deprescribing campaign focuses on environmental gains Advocacy backed by the RACGP highlights the benefits of deprescribing to both patients and the planet.
Coroner stresses need for complete discharge summaries A quality care expert says findings around a woman’s death from prescription medications are a reminder of the importance of continuity of care.
RACGP calls for improved resources for tick-borne diseases As part of a Senate investigation into the illnesses, the college says GPs must be equipped with clear and evidence-based information.
RACGP endorses ‘incredible’ amount of resources This year, the college endorsed a range of clinical guidelines demonstrating the breadth of general practice and supporting members’ CPD.
First ever COPD Clinical Care Standard launched The new guideline includes step-by-step recommendations for both GPs and patients to help manage the often-debilitating condition.
Aged Care Digital Strategy launches The plan outlines how new technology will be used to improve patient care, manage future demand, and reduce GPs’ administrative burden.
COPD clinical care standards up for review GPs are being asked to have their say on the care that people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should expect to receive.
‘A rich opportunity’: WONCA’s first day clinical highlights Conference Committee Chair Professor Mark Morgan shares some of his top picks of sessions to attend on the first day.
Hopes for ‘sustained improvement’ in appropriate prescribing A report shows a significant rise in the number of antimicrobial prescriptions in 2022 – but the rate remains below pre-pandemic levels.
Vitamin D deficiency: To test or not to test What should GPs say to patients who request vitamin D tests that are not clinically indicated?