Queensland pill testing move ‘will save lives’ The Queensland state government is set to introduce pill testing for the first time, a move that has been backed by the RACGP.
An unsettling case: The impact of a drawn-out audit on the vulnerable Is a ‘rigid, inflexible’ compliance approach experienced by GPs treating some of society’s most at-risk patients damaging health equity?
Medicare structure worsens healthcare in deprived areas: RACGP The ‘systematic underfunding of general practice’ is contributing to poorer outcomes, the college has said.
Dementia now greatest burden of disease in over-65s The condition has overtaken coronary heart disease as the chronic illness most impacting the elderly, according to an AIHW report.
‘GPs can no longer subsidise care’: Bulk billing hits lowest mark in a decade Fresh figures show general practice bulk-billing rates continue to slide as the Department of Health releases new details for the first time.
Past COVID infection protects against severe disease: Study A previous bout of COVID-19 reportedly offers the same protection from hospitalisation and death after re-infection as two mRNA vaccinations.
‘A cultural issue’: Minister calls for attitude shift to general practice ‘We’ve got to get away from this idea that general practice is somehow a B grade,’ the Federal Health and Aged Care Minister has said.
Crackdown on ‘unsafe’ online prescribing underway The Medical Board of Australia has already imposed restrictions on some individuals against issuing prescriptions through telehealth.
Flying doctors suggest rural health fixes RFDS report shows stark lack of rural health access, with the commonest emergency presentation being one that primary care could help prevent.
Call for new CDC to fast-track disease prevention strategies Thinktank says plans for a Centre for Disease Control should have an emphasis on preventing chronic conditions, a view echoed by the college.