In Practice: Have your say on MBS Online The DoHAC is encouraging GPs to share their views on the website’s functionality and user experience to help shape its future.
Mounjaro expanded to include weight management The TGA has approved tirzepatide for the treatment of overweight and obesity for those with comorbidities, via private prescription.
Prime Minister vows to ban kids from social media Federal legislation will be introduced this year to stop children, potentially as old as 16, from accessing the platforms.
‘Disturbing’ lack of details revealed for looming IMG fast-track pathway AHPRA has announced a 27% jump in IMGs approved to work in Australia, but the RACGP fears wraparound support and connection to medical colleges is being bypassed.
Royal commission into veteran suicide final report revealed It demanded an overhaul of systems to help veterans transition into civilian life, a crackdown on sexual abuse, and an increase to DVA fee schedule.
Women’s Health Week: ‘Explore the big questions’ Female patients say their symptoms are being downplayed or minimised, so how do their needs differ from men’s and what can GPs do to help?
GPs warned of meningococcal B ‘major outbreak’ GPs are urged to encourage their patients to get vaccinated against the deadly disease, as case numbers continue to rise in Queensland.
GPs must be equipped to ‘deliver the care our patients deserve’ The RACGP President has laid bare the changes facing general practice and the remedies needed, speaking directly to the nation’s healthcare decision makers.
Helping women ‘take ownership of their own healthcare’ Women’s Health Week 2024 centres around ‘Your voice. Your choice’, but for regional patients, that choice can be harder to access.
Concern after panel declares PIP and WIP ‘not actually essential’ That is according to the latest consultation from a panel tasked with assessing the future of GP incentives, and it is ringing alarm bells for the RACGP.