Numbers are decreasing, but Australian women continue to smoke while pregnant The number of Australian women smoking while pregnant has dropped from 13% in 2011 to 10% in 2015, but antenatal expert Dr Wendy Burton says more needs to be done to get the message across to all mothers.
Middle-aged moderate drinkers worried about respectability – not health Middle-aged drinkers who consume low levels of alcohol have either minor or non-existent concerns about the health effects of drinking, according to a new systematic review.
Australians with ADHD may be missing out on diagnosis and treatment The use of ADHD medication is increasing, but some patients are still not receiving the treatment they need, new research shows.
Residential aged care visits not financially viable for GPs, expert says Associate Professor Joel Rhee says current Medicare benefits are a barrier to more GPs visiting residential aged care facilities.
GPs an important part of getting patients back on the job after a WorkCover claim For the latest of a series on legal matters in general practice, newsGP spoke with two experts about WorkCover and return-to-work practices, and the role GPs play.
What to say when you want to ask ‘R U OK?’ R U OK? Day is about starting a conversation and being a good listener. newsGP spoke with Dr Jenny Presser about the best way to ask the question, and what to do with the answer.
‘Sneezers and wheezers’ at risk of thunderstorm asthma, expert warns With spring – and pollen – in the air, GPs are being asked to prepare their patients for the upcoming thunderstorm asthma season.
Lend me your ear: New program targets hearing problems in NT children A new initiative will employ and train community members to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of ear disease and hearing problems in Northern Territory children.
Medical Good Samaritans and the law: What GPs need to know For the seventh of a series on legal matters in general practice, newsGP spoke with two experts about whether GPs can face legal liability for negligence if they give assistance in an emergency.
One in four Australian women can’t afford to see a health professional: Survey Jean Hailes for Women’s Health surveyed more than 15,000 women across Australia to find out their greatest health concerns, habits and needs.