

Exam re-sit shows strong culture of collaboration and commitment

Genevieve Yates

7/12/2020 9:57:05 AM

Dr Genevieve Yates, General Manager of RACGP Education Services, thanks GPs in training for sticking with the college for the re-sit of the Key Feature Problem exam and Applied Knowledge Test.

Taking notes on a pad
The rescheduled KFP and AKT moved to a paper-based format.

When October’s Key Feature Problem (KFP) exam and Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) were cancelled due to a major technology outage, it presented an incredibly challenging and disheartening time for so many of our members and staff – all in the midst of what had already been an especially challenging year.
So after more than 1300 candidates re-sat their exams in 55 venues across Australia last Friday and Saturday, I want to say thank you.
Thank you to candidates who placed your trust in us to deliver the re-sit, thank you to the training organisations, supervisors and many others who supported the candidates through this difficult time, and thank you to the dedicated RACGP staff who made this re-sit possible.  
The KFP and AKT are fundamental steps on any GP’s journey to Fellowship – they certainly were for me – and I understand the pain and heartache the cancellation caused.
I understand the angst and can appreciate that many have had their faith in the college tested.
Hopefully the fact we were able to get the KFP and AKT rescheduled and delivered before the end of the year will go some way towards restoring that faith.
It is all of you – GPs in training – who are the future of Australian general practice.
We are your college and want you to know we will be with you each step of the way on your path to Fellowship.
I believe everyone in the RACGP put forth their utmost effort with passion and dedication to pull off enormous logistical feats for the KFP and AKT re-sit. This has been a mammoth effort, and we would not have been able to pull this off in such a short time without everyone’s tireless and collaborative efforts.
I am immensely proud of our huge team for the preparation and successful delivery of the rescheduled exams.
I would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who volunteered to be invigilators for these exams.
This year, more than any other, has pushed the limits of what our profession can do. Whether it’s the GPs on the frontlines or the students studying to become tomorrow’s primary healthcare professionals, general practice has shown it is up to the challenge.
We have all adapted in so many ways, and the circumstances created by this unprecedented pandemic will likely continue to challenge us into the future.
Information about the 2021.1 KFP and AKT and further re-sit options is available on the RACGP website.
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Dr John Leslie Sanderson   8/12/2020 7:54:05 AM

Spoken like a true KFC manager - too much spin, not enough truth or mea culpa.
A serious indication of an arrogant organisation

Dr Stephen Paul Middleton   8/12/2020 8:05:24 AM

I think a great step would be to get the results out to candidates ASAP. Not February. How can it take 13 weeks to mark an exam?

Dr Rajapriya Ekambaram Veerappan Chandramohan   8/12/2020 8:51:14 AM

This is the first time I feel the exam candidates were treated in a mature way and thank the college for conducting in a such a respectful manner..
But waiting for the results for too long is absolutely killing.. unsure what to do next.. why we should wait for ages ?

Dr Yee Pyone   8/12/2020 1:43:20 PM

Thank you so much to Dr Genieve & team for all your hard work. We truly appreciate it.

Dr Javier Armando Campuzano Ortiz   8/12/2020 8:04:38 PM

This is frankly offensive, trying to spin this into a win????
“Thank you to candidates who placed your trust in us to deliver the re-sit,” really? They had no choice. What a self serving piece, written from the perspective of privilege. The RACGP has the monopoly and absolute unchecked power over the specialty without any oversight or recourse and just like “the party” in the novel 1984 after they hurt their members the have their own “ministry of truth” to write their own self congratulatory news and propaganda, when the candidates had a completely different experience. All this must end. The exams should be state/ board administered not administered by a private organization. No private organisation should have that much power. These people who put the exams together just make irrelevant questions, they are people who do not see patients. They simply spend their time playing music and writing plays and not being what they are assessing, instead of knowing what the daily life of the specialty is and feeling superior in the process, so much condescension. This exam must be made by pure clinicians for clinicians, but it is put together by “education officers” sometimes without a medical degree. They do not know the quality of the candidates when assessed. Even after obtaining fellowship they have you for life charging fees so you can maintain your specialist registration. And there is no choice, That system needs to change. The gateway to access billing rights from public funding should be the government itself who pays for them, not a private self serving organisation. They cannot be the only way to be recognised and to establish a standard. I wonder if the author of this piece sees 35 patients a day 5 days a week.

Dr Hannah Jane Gray   13/12/2020 11:28:42 AM

It’s not accurate to claim candidates that resat the exam feel this way. After massive disruption many people are just keen to get through the many racgp hoops without further delay to their life - with little faith but no options. Huge wait time for results, raises to fees for following exams (that can surely only cost less to conduct? ). Forced membership.... It’s incredibly frustrating but we are powerless.

Dr Javier Armando Campuzano Ortiz   15/12/2020 8:38:57 AM

The college should provide only training, and the state / board should administer the exam, with college oversight and input, that way the college would be more interested in making the exam fair and trying to get the candidates to pass, or it would reflect on their training. Not like now that they just want to make them fail to get the funding for training and to keep charging exam fees for multiple attempts, s all corruption.