

Five tips to get the most out of your conference

Edwin Kruys

5/10/2018 11:21:28 AM

Dr Edwin Kruys shares his guide to a successful conference ahead of GP18 on the Gold Coast.

The GP18 program includes workshops, educational presentations, social opportunities, and more.
The GP18 program includes workshops, educational presentations, social opportunities, and more.

With so much to see, learn and do, attending the RACGP’s annual conference for general practice can quickly become an overwhelming experience.
Here are my tips for getting the most out of your conference.
Consider your comfort zone
Look for sessions that fit in with your learning goals.
We often tend to pick the workshops we like, topics we are interested in or know much about. This may work out just fine, but sometimes it can be good to get out of our comfort zone and select a session about a topic with which we are not so familiar.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Where can you improve? How can you better meet the needs of your patients or community?
Share what you have learned with colleagues or patients. It’s good fun and, chances are, it will be appreciated.
A great way of sharing is through social media. Tweet about a new insight or take-home message; just make sure you quote and attribute the source correctly and mention the conference hashtag – #GP18gc – in your posts.
You don’t have to be a scientist or PhD student to participate. Maybe you would like to chair a session or be involved with organising part of the conference.
Meet people
Participate in the conference’s social program. It’s nice to relax after a day of learning.
Meeting colleagues can be inspiring and refreshing. Have a coffee with that person you haven’t seen for a while. Take a few students or registrars out for lunch, or meet new people at the Gala Dinner.
Change something
Think about something you want to change in your day-to-day practise as a result of what you have learned.
Schedule a meeting with your colleagues, practice manager or team to introduce something new in the weeks after the conference, preferably while the knowledge is still fresh.
Above all, have fun and enjoy your time at the conference.
Visit the GP18 website to learn more and register for the conference.

conference for general practice gold coast GP18

newsGP weekly poll Do you agree with proposed changes to MBS items for vitamin B12 tests and urine examinations to ‘reduce unnecessary testing’?

newsGP weekly poll Do you agree with proposed changes to MBS items for vitamin B12 tests and urine examinations to ‘reduce unnecessary testing’?



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Deb Sambo   9/10/2018 9:32:04 PM

Great tips Edwin.

A full fledged "PLAN"
Will be put to good use
