

No better way to contribute to future of Australian general practice

Karen Price

7/07/2021 2:59:57 PM

President Dr Karen Price is calling on GPs to nominate for the RACGP faculty council elections.

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Nominations for the RACGP faculty elections are open until 2 August.

As a GP, the RACGP is your college.
We don’t just represent our members, we are our members.
Nominating to join your faculty council is one of the most powerful ways you can influence your college, shape your profession and ensure the views and voice of your general practice community are heard.
As a faculty council member, you have the opportunity to speak up for GPs and patients in your community. You can help urge our state, territory and federal governments to improve access to high-quality care for all Australians.
There really is no better opportunity to contribute to the future of Australian general practice than by joining your council.
Before you start your nomination form, please read the RACGP elections policy and view the list of current electorates open for nominations in 2021.

If you’re eligible to nominate or be nominated for multiple positions, you can submit more than one nomination form indicating the faculty for which you’re nominating.
Visit the RACGP website for more information on nominations and voting in the upcoming faculty elections.
Key RACGP faculty election dates

  • 5 July – faculty nominations open
  • 2 August – faculty nominations close
  • 9 August to 23 August – voting period for contested faculty electorates
  • 27 August – elected councillors announced
  • 30 August to 30 September: Election of office bearers at faculty member meetings
  • 4 October – New faculty chairs announced
The college is here to help, so send an email to if you have any questions about the faculty council elections.
Log in below to join the conversation.

faculty elections RACGP

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