

RACGP to make CPD simpler, stronger and seamless

Harry Nespolon

26/11/2019 3:09:16 PM

President Dr Harry Nespolon writes about upcoming revisions to the Continuing Professional Development registration standard.

Dr Harry Nespolon
‘The RACGP is doing all it can to ensure the [CPD] system is designed by, and for, practitioners working at the coalface,’ Dr Nespolon writes.

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) recently released its draft revised registration standard for continuing professional development (CPD) for public consultation.
Understandably, as there is with any major change that has the potential to affect the way we practise, members have raised some concerns.
GPs are among Australia’s most qualified and respected professionals. We do not need someone looking over our shoulder or holding our hand to ensure we are doing the right thing. We especially don’t need an administrative body, with no expertise in education or CPD requirements, dictating how doctors in this country should continue to uphold the standards the RACGP has maintained for decades.
CPD is the domain of medical colleges, not office administrators. The MBA’s role is to certify that practitioners have fulfilled the CPD requirements set by us, and as such the RACGP is doing all it can to ensure the system is designed by, and for, practitioners working at the coalface.
This means flexibility, relevant topics, and a wide range of practice disciplines, all with the sole objective of safeguarding the provision of world-class primary healthcare.
Let me be clear: There is no evidence to suggest the current CPD Program is producing anything but outstanding doctors. Any proposals that threaten to impose unreasonable or counterproductive demands on already stretched GPs will be opposed by the RACGP.
Medicine has a culture of continuous self-improvement and I expect that to remain the case, regardless of the changes proposed by the MBA.
I would like to assure everyone that the RACGP has not only listened, but is working diligently to address these concerns. Looking ahead to the new triennium, we’ve adopted a collaborative approach with members and CPD education providers in order to limit disruption and make the entire experience easier.
The last thing we as a college want to do is increase the workload for our members, as we are acutely aware of the substantial demands already placed on your time every day. The RACGP has one of the best, and most respected, CPD requirements in the world. We are working to seamlessly transition to a revised CPD system that is even simpler, stronger and more adaptable, without member impediment.
Finally, given one of my central commitments before becoming RACGP President was reforming CPD, I would also like to reassure members that the RACGP CPD Program for the new triennium will not include a return to PLAN. A professional development template will be available, but I stress it is optional until the regulator mandates otherwise.
I invite any member with ongoing concerns or suggestions about the future direction of CPD to engage in the MBA’s consultation process, which will remain open until 14 February 2020, or contact the RACGP directly to form part of our united response.
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continuing professional development CPD Medical Board of Australia RACGP

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newsGP weekly poll Do you think changes are needed to make the PBS authority approval process more streamlined for GPs?



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Dr Muhammad Umer Shehzad   27/11/2019 7:06:21 AM

Thankyou Mr Nespolon.
I do BMJ online modules and a few others.
RACGP ThjnkGP modules are FAR BETTER than any other I have encountered. There is another additional effect of our own CPD standards which perhaps is not very highlighted altnough members would recognise:
Because our own standard is so good, all other providers who also do CPD modules etc MUST meet , if not beat, RACGP standsrds.
And thus, other module providers like MDbroefcase and others also have ended up having the same high standard.
As you said it already- MBA administrstors have no business or expertise to tell professionals how to improve ourselves.
And we must not accept it from them- not because we have an ego issue or that we dont want to self improve(because we already do) , but because office administrators who have never even sailed In a boat , Are in no position to tell the Captain and crew of a nuclear submarine how to conduct their business and how to do what they do best.

Dr Janice Faye Sheringham   27/11/2019 8:18:26 AM

For any organisation to mandate a MINIMUM of 50 hours PER YEAR of APPROVED CPD is anathema to any academically trained professionals such as medical practitioners! This is effectively requiring such individuals to set aside AT LEAST 1 FULL WEEK of unpaid time for this workload, when, for many self-employed practitioners, this is just another way to separate them from their families AND their patients! Any ANNUAL requirement such as this is UNACCEPTABLE - I only give thanks that I am now retired and no longer must submit to such a ridiculous proposal! Please try to manage a better system for the sake of both the practitioners who continue the work, AND their patients and families!

Dr Gabrielle Fatima Michelle Fairfield Boshuis   27/11/2019 10:03:32 AM

I am a RACGP member. College upholds the optimum standards for CPD requirements for each triennium. MBA should consult with RACGP/ACRRM /AMA before adopting a new policy in future.
If that is so then they should reimburse part of our registrations costs back to us for doubling up CPD requirements. I should be spending this extra time looking after my patients.

Dr Naveed Shaukat   27/11/2019 10:35:56 AM

Dear Harry
I Like what you said. Good to have you at the College in control. I trust your leadership without any doubt. Keep Going the way you see best! You are one of the best GP as well, one of us indeed!
Stay Strong you are right in what you are doing standing up for doctors. A nice change, a ray of sunshine finally. I feel what you are doing is what we want as a doctors busy doing every day our job and someone who can stand for us when needed. Good on you Dr. Nespolon
Excellent Job! Best wishes!

Annon   27/11/2019 12:11:56 PM

Only if the MBA wish to pay me for the time I will be away from my practice!

Dr Abdul Ahad Khan   27/11/2019 12:30:02 PM

Dear President RACGP,
I applaud these 2 Statements of yours :
1. CPD is the domain of medical colleges, not office administrators. The MBA’s role is to certify that practitioners have fulfilled the CPD requirements set by us, and as such the RACGP is doing all it can to ensure the system is designed by, and for, practitioners working at the coalface.

2. There is no evidence to suggest the current CPD Program is producing anything but outstanding doctors. Any proposals that threaten to impose unreasonable or counterproductive demands on already stretched GPs will be opposed by the RACGP.

Stick to your Guns & do not cave in. If necessary, call for a Nationwide token Half a day Closure of GP Surgeries on a Monday, as a mark of PROTEST at the DISRESPECT & the Pathetic Medicare Rebates being given to the Hard-working GPs by the Govt.

We need to alert the Populace of the Blatant INSULT & ABUSE of GPs by the Govt.

Start a Counter-Attack to uplift the GPs Morale.


Dr Anthony Tragarz   27/11/2019 2:32:35 PM

A very clear and relevant response.
Thank you Dr Nespolon.

Dr Gabrielle Fatima Michelle Fairfield Boshuis   27/11/2019 3:38:09 PM

I support you Harry Nespolon for being our voice.

Dr Matthew Laurence Byrne   27/11/2019 6:59:24 PM

thank you Harry for your stance .I am a semiretired 65 year old rural gp . I am doing 50-100 working days per year , Rural ,remote and some ED work . If the medical board’s proposal is bought in I will retire ,depriving rural communities of yet another doctor .

Dr Louis George Gallo   27/11/2019 10:00:12 PM

Congratulations Dr Nespolin at last a GP standing up for GP’s and making great sense for what we do and stand for. Education for GP by Doctors and not people sitting on their gluteus maximus

Dr Shireen Teves Macabulos   28/11/2019 10:57:59 AM

Thank you so much for your insightful article Dr Harry Nespolon! We are very blessed to have someone who understands the challenges we face as GPs. Thanks for listening to us and being that powerful voice that speaks in our behalf! I commend you for not allowing the MBA to undermine the system set by the RACGP. We are conscientious GPs who know what we are doing and with the leadership of someone as admirable as you, will especially be further inspired to improve our standard of practice to deliver quality patient care!

Dr Julia Jae-eun Finch   28/11/2019 9:24:31 PM

Thank god for our noble leader Harry, first time in my 17 year GP career, we have a president who cares and listens to the members.
'CPD is the domain of medical colleges, not office administrators. The MBA’s role is to certify that practitioners have fulfilled the CPD requirements set by us, and as such the RACGP is doing all it can to ensure the system is designed by, and for, practitioners working at the coalface', yes, this is exactly what my opinion is of MBA's recent suggested regulation. Let us preserve our clinical autonomy therefore our sanity!

Dr Paul Vernon Jenkinson   30/11/2019 12:22:10 AM

Well said Harry!
(But it is an indictment of the MBA that it has to be said)
Could this bring GPs together to stop BBing ,which is the scourge of the profession? Nah! I’m dreamin’.

Dr Kate Elizabeth Schilling   30/11/2019 8:40:38 AM

1) Is CPD the domain of the medical colleges, or do the regulators have a legal right to mandate change as they see fit?
2) The college needs to clearly establish who has the legal right and capacity to demand and implement change to the CPD requirements. If the regulator does not have this legal right then they cannot mandate change. This point needs clarification before any other discussions about changes to CPD.
3) Is there any evidence that the current systems falls short or is inadequate? If so, what are the details?
4) Why does the CPD system need revision? What is wrong, if anything, with the current one?

Dr David Zhi Qiang Yu   30/11/2019 12:28:07 PM

I support you Harry Nespolon for being our voices and visions.

Dr Alfred Surendra Wilson   30/11/2019 3:31:27 PM

Bravo, Harry!!!!!!!!! You are the tops mate! My friend and benefactor!!

Dr Alfred Surendra Wilson   30/11/2019 3:33:53 PM

BTW, what Dr Kate E Schilling has said in her notes is worth noting!

Dr Joshua Kiang Lim   27/12/2019 6:53:03 PM

I expect a legal challenge from the RACGP and the AMA should the MBA push ahead... it is very clear that the MBA is making a power play for relevance at the cost of the working GP. 50 hours is about 1.5 wks of the average GP's working time. It is too honorous and will affect a GP's work and add further unnecessary pressure to family life. We are humans! As if the current pressures from training, insurance, practice cost in addition to reducing remuneration are not enough. The MBA should not have this right nor standing to impose such requirements. Legally challenge this all the way to the high court if required.

Dr Alla Alona Gimpel   29/05/2020 7:45:26 AM

Very well said, Harry!