

CPD dashboard updated for activities undertaken in every day practice

Morgan Liotta

2/03/2021 4:11:06 PM

The new myCPD dashboard builds on its ‘simpler, stronger and seamless’ vision for the 2020–22 triennium.

Hands typing on laptop
New features of the myCPD dashboard enable self-directed updates and activities.

User-friendly, efficient and self-directed. This is what GP users are saying about the new features of the RACGP Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program myCPD dashboard, released in February.
Now in the second year of the 2020­–22 triennium, the CPD Program has identified that a number of GPs are yet to access their myCPD portfolio, as COVID-19 restrictions have limited undertakings of CPD activities with education providers.
To help combat this issue, myCPD dashboard’s new features have been designed to highlight how quickly and easily GPs can find and record CPD undertaken in every day practice.
‘I’ve been very impressed with the new CPD dashboard – it’s simple, easy to use and intuitive,’ RACGP WA Chair Dr Sean Stevens said in a testimonial. ‘It will be continually improved, and I would encourage all members to check it out to ensure their points are up to date and they’re claiming everything they’re entitled to.’
Among the new features is a quick log that allows GPs to self-manage their history, including adding attachments, as well as changing titles, hours, points and notes. This feature also enables GPs to maintain up-to-date recording of their own learning.
‘The CPD dashboard has been very user friendly,’ Perth GP Dr Ramya Raman said. ‘[It’s] simple to log on and load the activity details in a time-efficient way.’
The quick log shortcut from the RACGP website also allows GPs to view and log activities from the RACGP website, including clinical guidelines, Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) articles, webinars, podcasts and events.
Reading hours can attract CPD points via the quick log feature as part of GPs’ every day practice, and this feature lets GPs record CPD such as journal articles, podcasts, guidelines and activities that are not accredited by the CPD Program.
Another new addition, the content reference feature, allows GPs to access other areas of the website from within myCPD, such as DynaMed, AJGP and clinical guidelines, without the need to spend time searching across the RACGP website.  

‘Quick log enables me to simply upload the reading I do in practice, or practice meetings and all the activities I regularly do,’ Dubbo GP Dr Mary Howes said.
The myCPD dashboard features can be accessed on mobile phone and tablet.
More information and the GP handbook are available on the RACGP CPD Program website.
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continuing professional development CPD program myCPD

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