

AIHW findings show strong evidence of positive GP–patient relationships

Morgan Liotta

27/07/2018 10:28:36 AM

More than 80% of Australians feel the quality of care they received from their GP or other healthcare providers is ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’, according to an Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report.

Almost 85% of patients rate the quality of healthcare they receive as high.
Almost 85% of patients rate the quality of healthcare they receive as high.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has today released Healthy Communities: Coordination of healthcare – Experiences with GP care among patients aged 45 and over, 2016.
The report presents the first findings from the 2016 Survey of Health Care (SHC), available for the Primary Health Network (PHN) area for patients aged 45 and over who had visited a GP at least once in the previous year.
The study highlights the importance of GPs in delivering high-quality care and how the doctor–patient relationship influences a patient’s perception of the care they receive. It shows that most (98%) patients have a usual GP or usual place where they receive care, and that 80% have both a usual GP and place of care.
Nationally, 84% of patients highly rated the quality of care they received from their usual GP or others in their usual place of care.
Results were presented for the first time according to patient characteristics, such as socioeconomic groups, areas of remoteness and number of long-term health conditions.
RACGP President-elect Dr Harry Nespolon has welcomed the report, which he believes lends support to the notion that having a usual GP or usual place of care can help ensure well-coordinated care across these services.
‘The report made clear that GPs are the professionals at the centre of healthcare delivery for those patients with chronic and complex needs,’ he told newsGP.
‘GPs play a vital role in the lives of all Australians and it is very reassuring to see that over 80% of patients aged over 45 noted that GP care was either excellent or very good.
‘GPs provide continuous care for their patients, meaning they have a long-running knowledge of their patients’ medical histories. This makes them uniquely placed to be able to deliver high-quality care to Australians through a thorough understanding of patients’ overall health.’

AIHW chronic disease continuity of care doctor–patient relationship

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