

PIP QI fact sheet clears up uncertainty

Matt Woodley

15/08/2019 3:16:27 PM

Released by the Department of Health, the fact sheet seeks to address concerns raised by the RACGP and the wider profession.

PIP QI August fact sheet.
The new fact sheet has resolved a number of concerns raised by the RACGP and its members about PIP QI.

The twice-delayed $200 million Practice Incentive Program Quality Improvement (PIP QI), has been plagued by uncertainty surrounding data governance and eligibility requirements.
However, a new fact sheet has resolved a number of these issues, including confusion over the data sets practices are required to submit to Primary Health Networks (PHNs) and the manner in which they need to be provided.
Dr Michael Wright, Chair of the RACGP Expert Committee – Funding and Health System Reform, told newsGP the new information should answer many questions GPs and practices might have about joining the program.
‘It is great to see some clarification about what data needs to be shared for the purposes for PIP QI, and also some flexibility in how to comply with the program,’ he said.
‘The RACGP has been working hard with the Department of Health to make this guidance available. It’s pleasing to see the government providing clarity about many of the concerns which have been raised by RACGP members.’
The fact sheet confirms that practices seeking to access the program are only obliged to submit data related to the 10 stipulated quality improvement measures, rather than their entire data sets, and that practices cannot be forced to install third-party software.
PHNs will instead work with practices and software providers to find a solution that complies with the PIP QI Incentive Guidelines and the PIP Eligible Data Set Data Governance Framework. Practices will be eligible to receive PIP QI payments for up to 12 months while they negotiate this solution.
Software providers are also required to establish simple options that support patient opt out and allow practices to manage this aspect of the PIP QI appropriately. Practice owners are advised to contact software providers directly for specific advice on how to achieve this.
Other privacy controls ensure that commercialisation of the PIP Eligible Data Set is not permitted, while suppression rules will be applied by data custodians to prevent the sharing of information where small numbers of patients are involved.
Access to the PIP Eligible Data Set by external researchers and other interested parties will be controlled by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, and published on a searchable register.
Eligible practices that sign up to the PIP QI will receive $5 per Standard Whole Patient Equivalents (SWPEs) per year, capped at $50,000 per practice.
More information on the privacy controls can be found in the PIP Eligible Data Set Data Governance Framework.

Department of Health funding incentives PIP QI

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