

AGM votes set up college for the years ahead

Morgan Liotta

25/11/2022 3:08:04 PM

All three resolutions passed at the RACGP’s AGM, where the official handover of the new Board and President also took place.

Adjunct Professor Karen Price
Outgoing RACGP President Adjunct Professor Karen Price presiding over her final AGM. (Image: Adam Thomas)

Proposed amendments to the RACGP Constitution received a ringing endorsement at last night’s 65th Annual General Meeting (AGM), with 85.29% of the 1577 votes cast in favour of the resolution.
The RACGP Board had said the constitutional changes, which required 75% support, were needed to facilitate the expanded activities being undertaken by the college, such as profession-led training and the establishment of a standalone Northern Territory Faculty.
RACGP CEO Paul Wappett welcomed the final outcomes.

‘It’s been a really positive outcome for the RACGP,’ he told newsGP.
‘In particular, the approval of the formation of the Northern Territory Faculty, which will allow us to ensure that our members’ interests in the Northern Territory, which are unique and complex, are able to be better met by the organisation.’
Aside from the constitutional changes, members also supported resolutions confirming Board Director remuneration (72.77%) and Presidential remuneration (77.23%).
As a result, the 15 RACGP Directors will receive total aggregate remuneration of $1,053,761 for the 2023–24 financial year, while maximum Presidential remuneration for 2022–23 has been set at $240,000.

‘It’s really pleasing to have our members so comprehensively support the remuneration of our directors, which allows us to ensure that we continue to attract and retain directors of high calibre to be able to lead the college in such turbulent times,’ Mr Wappett said at conclusion of the session.
In addition to the AGM voting process and outcomes, confirmed changes to RACGP Board directors were announced, with the 65th RACGP Board finalised:

  • Christine Nixon completed her term as Chair of the RACGP Board – Dr Lara Roeske was elected as the new Chair
  • Dr Bruce Willett was re-elected as RACGP Vice President
  • Associate Professor Charlotte Hespe was re-elected as Chair of People, Culture, Nominations and Remuneration Committee, and will remain as RACGP NSW&ACT Chair
  • RACGP SA Chair Dr Danny Byrne will complete his term – replaced by Dr Sian Goodson
  • RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Chair Professor Peter O’Mara will complete his term – replaced by Dr Karen Nicholls
  • Dr Sam Heard – appointed interim RACGP NT Chair
  • Martin Walsh – replaced by Scott King as Co-opted Independent Director and Chair of Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee
  • Dr Michael Sanford was elected as Co-opted Independent Director to fill Christine Nixon’s co-opted role
Outgoing RACGP President Adjunct Professor Karen Price has also completed her term and gave an emotional final speech as President.
‘Thank you to many people on the Board, without which my presidency would not have been possible,’ she said.
‘I am [also] thrilled with the results of the AGM.’
New President, Dr Nicole Higgins, officially assumed her role at the same event, using her maiden speech to acknowledge her family sitting in the front row, thank the outgoing Board, and welcome the new directors.
‘This is a humbling experience,’ she said.
‘I want a college we are all proud of. General practice is the solution to the Australian healthcare crisis. We are the engine that keeps the system going.
‘The return of general practice training heralds a new era – member-centred, our profession first. I’m excited.’
Making a promise to serve as President with ‘integrity, humility, and fierceness’, Dr Higgins said it is time to let go of the past, but also ‘reflect on the learnings we’ve been given’.
‘I look forward to working with you and for you,’ she said.
The RACGP’s 65th Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at GP22, Thursday 24 November at 4.30 pm.
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AGM GP22 RACGP Board RACGP Constitution

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