

Overwhelming member support for college-led training

Matt Woodley

18/11/2021 2:22:01 PM

GPs backed a resolution allowing the RACGP to ‘take all actions necessary’ to return general practice training to the college in 2023.

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The vote carried 1615 in favour to 158 opposed.

The formal mandate, voted on at Wednesday night’s 64th Annual General Meeting (AGM), received more than 91% membership support, with votes shared on the night tallying 1615 in favour and only 158 opposed.
As a result, the RACGP will now be able to proceed with its plan to deliver general practice educational services from February 2023, following the transition to profession-led, community-based training.
After the AGM, RACGP CEO Paul Wappett thanked members for recognising the importance of the resolution and its impact on the college’s ability to ensure that training meets the quality needed in Australian general practice.
‘This means the RACGP can take all actions necessary in the best interests of the college – including but not limited to partnerships, the establishment of a training subsidiary and entering into funding agreements – to ensure that general practice training returns to the college,’ he said.
‘The transition team will now continue at pace to finalise our grant funding submission to government, which is being done jointly with ACRRM.’


In addition to the formal mandate, members also voted in favour of appointing PKF as external auditors to the college (94%), capping aggregate director remuneration at $850,000 until 30 June 2022 (66%), and increasing the President’s remuneration to $240,000 per annum (73%).
However, a resolution to increase aggregate remuneration for RACGP directors during the 2022–23 financial year to $1.25 million was narrowly defeated (49.8%). 
A special resolution to make minor amendments to the RACGP’s Constitution – which required 75% approval – was also passed (86%).
Aside from the resolutions, the following RACGP Board Director positions were also finalised for the next 12 months:
  • Dr Ramya Raman has been elected Faculty Chair of Western Australia, replacing Dr Sean Stevens (who completed his term)
  • Dr Danny Byrne has assumed the role of SA&NT Faculty Chair, replacing Dr Zakaria Baig (who completed his term)
  • Christine Nixon will remain as RACGP Board Chair
  • Dr Bruce Willett will remain as RACGP Vice-President
  • Associate Professor Charlotte Hespe will continue as Chair of the People Culture Nominations and Remuneration Committee
  • Mr Martin Walsh remains as Chair of the Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee
‘We’re grateful for the time, energy and effort each of these directors have devoted to the RACGP and look forward to working with Ramya and Danny over their term,’ Mr Wappett said.
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Annual General Meeting college-led training RACGP

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