

Choosing the right path

Morgan Liotta

11/02/2019 9:38:38 AM

Recently graduated medical student Dr Daniel Straw is looking forward to the possibilities and flexibility of a career in general practice.

Recently graduated medical student Dr Daniel Straw is looking towards a rewarding future in general practice.
Recently graduated medical student Dr Daniel Straw is looking towards a rewarding future in general practice.

Having so far enjoyed each aspect of medicine – but never enough of one specialty to do only that – Dr Straw is pursuing the path that best enables him to have a varied workload.
‘I see general practice as a way that I’ll be able to develop a wide skill set, while living in a place [Australia] that fits in with my passion for outdoor activities,’ he told newsGP
Dr Straw is optimistic that his future as a GP will help to meet his wishes.
‘The flexibility and mobility I can get from this career will allow me to continue doing the things I love – snowboarding, surfing, travelling,’ he said.

Dr Straw first knew he was interested in general practice during his placements as a medical student, in particular at Foster Medical Centre, in regional Victoria.
‘There I got to see the opportunities that are available to expand your skills far past what most people might think a GP does, through sub-specialisation – and do so while living in a beautiful area,’ he said.
Dr Straw also acknowledges the team at Foster Medical Centre for being a large influence in his decision to choose general practice.

‘The entire team really inspired me,’ he said. ‘Their love for what they do, their skill sets and the team atmosphere they have there is fantastic.
‘Almost everyone there did some sort of sub-specialty, whether that be obstetrics and gynaecology, anaesthetics, or procedural stuff like skin flaps and colonoscopies.’
Dr Straw hopes to someday soon put the skills he has learnt to practise as a GP in a rural area.
‘I’m looking forward to being a GP,’ he said.
‘It is one of the most mobile professions you can have – people get sick everywhere, no matter how big or small the place they live, they always need a GP.’

become a GP general practice medical student

newsGP weekly poll Do you support patients registered with MyMedicare having access to MBS rebates if they have not met the 12-month relationship rule?

newsGP weekly poll Do you support patients registered with MyMedicare having access to MBS rebates if they have not met the 12-month relationship rule?



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Dr.Gnanasegaran Xavier FRACGP N0.519256   17/02/2019 1:36:51 AM

I f you wish to have an attachment at my clinic,you can sit with me,but legally you have to have an anual praticing certificate to practice in Malaysia.
