

In Practice: AGM voting to soon open

Morgan Liotta

10/11/2022 1:49:16 PM

From next week, members can vote on two ordinary resolutions and one special resolution for the college’s Annual General Meeting.

Keyboard with vote button
Voting for the RACGP AGM resolutions opens on 16 November until the announcement during the AGM at GP22.

This week’s round-up also includes a new MBS fact sheet for determining the necessary excision diameter for removal of skin lesions.
RACGP 2022 AGM: Voting opens soon
Voting on this year’s resolutions for the college’s 65th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be open from 12.00 pm (AEDT), Wednesday 16 November.
With two ordinary resolutions relating to Director and President remuneration, and one special resolution relating to proposed changes to the RACGP Constitution, members’ votes are important to ensure the Board can continue to advocate for member needs and the general practice profession.
Visit the RACGP website for details on how to vote, to read supporting resolution information or to submit a question to the Board. Registration for digital attendance for the AGM is also available online.
Determining lesion size for MBS item selection
As part of the 1 November listing of seven new MBS items and changes to existing MBS items for melanoma excision services, the Department of Health and Aged Care has released a new fact sheet with information on determining the necessary excision diameter for the removal of skin lesions.
The fact sheet includes references to the current clinical practice guidelines for existing melanoma MBS items and new clinically suspected melanoma MBS items.
To determine the necessary excision diameter (or defect size) a practitioner should include the lesion size and a clinically appropriate margin of healthy tissue required, with the intent of complete surgical excision.
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In Practice MBS items RACGP AGM skin lesions

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