In Practice: RACGP AGM invite
The college’s Annual General Meeting will take place next month and can be attended online or in person at GP22.
This year’s AGM will be livestreamed for members who are unable to attend the event in person at GP22.
This week’s round-up also includes details about applying for Recognition of Prior Learning for pre-hospital and retrieval medicine training, as well as CPD compliance for providers of Focussed Psychological Strategies.
RACGP 2022 Annual General Meeting
The college’s 65th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at GP22 on Thursday 24 November, at 4.30 pm (AEDT).
Members attending the conference or who are based in Melbourne are welcome to attend the AGM at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Those unable to attend in person have the option to register for digital attendance to then receive access details to livestream the event.
To submit questions for the Board, read the proposed resolutions and learn about how to vote, visit the RACGP website.
Focussed Psychological Strategies CPD compliance
Registered providers of Focussed Psychological Strategies (FPS) are required to complete an accredited FPS CPD course within each triennium in order to maintain their FPS status and continue to use the relevant FPS item numbers.
Providers of FPS who have not completed their FPS CPD this triennium can view available courses via the RACGP MyCPD dashboard. Any questions can be directed to the GPMHSC secretariat.
Launch of the first care standard on stillbirth
GPs are invited to join the online launch of the first national Stillbirth Clinical Care Standard, developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. The event will be livestreamed from the Annual National Stillbirth Forum.
Stillbirth is a tragic and profound experience that affects more than 2000 families in Australia every year. Despite being the most common form of perinatal death in Australia, the experience of stillbirth can be hidden due to stigma, taboo and a culture of silence.
Attendees will hear leading experts discuss best practice in preventing stillbirth, investigations after stillbirth and the importance of bereavement care after perinatal loss.
Friday 4 November, 12.30 – 1.30 pm (AEDT)
Register online.
Recognition of Prior Learning: Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine
In 2021, the Australian College for Emergency Medicine, in collaboration with the RACGP, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, College of Intensive Care Medicine and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, launched the Diploma of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine (DipPHRM).
Administered by the Conjoint Committee of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine, the DipPHRM is a structured, on-the-job, experiential training program aimed at appropriately experienced doctors who wish to work within PHRM services and actively participate in missions.
Recognition of Prior Learning applications are now open for trainees enrolling in terms one and two in 2023 for the DipPHRM. Applications close in December 2022 and must be received prior to a trainee enrolling in the DipPHRM training program.
Visit the ACEM website for more information and enrolment details.
IMiA 2023: Registrations now open
GPs are well-placed to help patients experiencing addiction by providing non-judgemental support, treatment, and referral.
Registrations are now open for the biennial International Medicine in Addiction (IMiA) conference. The conference provides an opportunity to learn from, meet and collaborate with other health professionals with an interest in addressing the complex issues that come from addiction.
The event – a collaboration between the RACGP, the Royal Australian College of Physicians, and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists – will present a diverse and thought-provoking program covering the latest in addiction research and clinical practice.
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Friday to Sunday, 17–19 February 2023.
Register online.
RACGP member benefits
Members can receive an up to $200 discount when they join HCF’s corporate hospital and extras from now until the end of the year, enabling access to exclusive products with more benefits and added value compared to standard HCF cover.
Members can also receive a 5% discount on upcoming CPD-eligible medical study tours with Jon Baines Tours:
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annual general meeting GP22 In Practice members RACGP AGM
newsGP weekly poll
Do you think changes are needed to make the PBS authority approval process more streamlined for GPs?