

In Practice: DoH seeks feedback on how it provides information

Matt Woodley

5/10/2023 4:58:30 PM

Healthcare professionals have been asked to complete a 10-minute survey exploring how they would like to receive departmental updates.

GP at computer.
The Department of Health and Aged care is seeking feedback on how health professionals would like to receive information and resources.

This week’s In Practice also includes information on a new aged care toolkit for GPs, help with identifying family violence among patients, a webinar on antimicrobial resistance, and two offerings exclusive to members.
Australian Government seeking feedback from health professionals
The Department of Health and Aged Care has developed a short, 10-minute survey for health professionals to share their thoughts on the information provided to them by government.
Acknowledging the health landscape has changed in recent years, the department is seeking feedback on how health professionals would like to receive information and resources, as well as the type of information needed for patient care.
The survey findings will be used to ensure information delivered to health professionals is relevant and functional. Survey respondents can choose to list their contact details for further follow up or remain anonymous.

Member consultation: Scope of practice review 
Webinar: Tuesday 10 October, 8.00 – 9.00 pm (AEDT)
The scope of practice review is an opportunity to advocate for GPs to work to the top of their scope and remove regulatory, legislative, and funding barriers. The RACGP has been consulting members to inform its submission to the review, and invites members to join the webinar discussion to have their say before the consultation closes. 
President Dr Nicole Higgins will join members of the RACGP Expert Committee – Funding and Health System Reform to hear members’ views on GP scope. 
Register online.
Aged care toolkit for GPs
GPs working in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) can improve patient care with a new toolkit produced by the RACGP
The toolkit provides access to practical information and resources on a wide variety of clinical topics, including palliative and end-of-life care, engaging with RACFs, professional development, links to various tools, referral pathways and specialist services, and guidance for GPs to navigate MBS item numbers for different consults. 
Members can also self-record CPD hours upon completion of each module. 
This toolkit was developed for GPs in Western Australia but will likely be useful to any GP working in RACFs.
Identifying and responding to family violence
The RACGP has released a short documentary that explores the importance of GPs being able to identify and manage family violence as part of their practice.
GPs and general practice nurses in Victoria are prescribed by regulations to request and share information to promote child wellbeing under the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS), as well as information about family violence risk.
GPs and practice nurses are not required to align with the family violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework; however, many GPs and general practices across Victoria are choosing to voluntarily align to the MARAM Framework to increase their ability to identify, assess, and manage family violence risk.

This RACGP Family Violence Program is an online course that discusses identifying, assessing and managing family risk and how practices can voluntarily align with the MARAM Framework.
Antimicrobial stewardship in primary care
Webinar: Thursday 9 November, 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEDT)
Having patients continually request antibiotics for viral conditions can be draining, especially when antibiotics are in short supply.

This webinar, hosted in partnership with Kenvue, presents evidence-based approaches for managing antimicrobial stewardship and aims to provide GPs with resources to navigate discussions with patients and understand common conditions that are overprescribed.
Learning outcomes:

  • Build awareness of conditions for which antibiotics are being overprescribed
  • Assist GPs in understanding patient behaviour which drives antibiotic seeking
  • Present evidence-based approaches for reducing antibiotic use in primary care
  • Dr Mina Bakhit, postdoctoral research Fellow
  • Professor Tammy Hoffman, clinical epidemiologist who leads the Centre for Evidence-Informed Health Decisions
Register online.
Member-only resource can assist with clinical decision making
DynaMed, an evidence-based point of care tool, now provides useful images and videos for many conditions.
Users can gain valuable assistance by performing and selecting the most relevant result for the condition or topic of their choice from the list of results options provided.
If images or videos related to the search term or topic are available, members can access them via the tabs at the top of the relevant condition summary or topic page – a particularly useful feature for the identification of skin conditions and showing techniques of physical examination. 
DynaMed is a member-only resource (RACGP website login required).
RACGP members can get 50% off the $500 set-up fee for a full subscription to Cubiko.
To find out more, log in to the RACGP member portal to access the promotional code.
Log in to join the conversation.

aged care antimicrobial resistance Department of Health and Aged Care family violence

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