

In Practice: RACGP seeking new dermatology Chair

Morgan Liotta

31/10/2024 2:21:36 PM

Nominations are open for a new Specific Interests Dermatology Chair, for RACGP Fellows or members registered with AHPRA as specialist GPs.

GP doing a skin check
RACGP Specific Interests Dermatology actively promotes and supports GPs’ role as the primary provider of care for most dermatological conditions.

This week’s In Practice also includes the TGA’s latest medicines safety updates, and a reminder that registrations are still open for GP24.
Call for nominations: Specific Interests Dermatology
The RACGP is seeking nominations for a new Chair of Specific Interests Dermatology. This is a volunteer position.
The college recognises that many GPs develop interest in specific areas of general practice throughout their career and values these skills and experience through the endorsed Specific Interests groups. The Dermatology group aims to promote GPs’ understanding of treatment and care needs of people living with skin and other dermatological problems, to encourage active debate and discussion on these health issues and develop appropriate resources for GPs.
The group also:

  • acts as a resource point for the RACGP on dermatological treatment practices and emerging issues as they impact on general practice
  • actively promotes and supports GPs’ role as the primary provider of care for most dermatological conditions.
GPs interested in the Specific Interests Dermatology Chair role can submit a nomination form by 4.00 pm (AEDT), Wednesday 27 November. Candidates must be Fellows or members of the RACGP and registered with AHPRA as specialist GPs.
More information on the nomination process and eligibility criteria is available on the RACGP website. For any questions, contact the Specific Interests team at 1800 090 588 or
GP24 is just around the corner
GP24 kicks off in Perth, on Whadjuk Noongar Country, in just three weeks. The RACGP is looking forward to exploring the future of general practice and the topics that matter – from AI in general practice to GP wellbeing, dermatology, digital health and much more. 
Across the packed three days are exciting opportunities to gain insights from industry leaders and peers, with:  
  • five keynote presentations  
  • 110+ speakers  
  • 900+ delegates  
  • 72 concurrent sessions  
  • five breakfast symposia.
There is still time to register to secure a spot.  
Medicines Safety Update
The TGA published a Medicines Safety Update article this week, regarding Product Information safety updates. GP prescribers are encouraged to keep up to date with these changes.
GP Research Project Noticeboard
The GP Research Project Noticeboard presents surveys and research projects for GPs, such as a study from UNSW on designing evidence-based resources for ageing and driving safety, offering $50 to those who complete the survey, and dissemination of an evidence-based national quality framework for the comprehensive delivery of pharmacist services in residential aged care facilities.
GPs can also submit their research projects to the noticeboard to invite participation from the general practice community.
Log in below to join the conversation.

dermatology GP research GP24 In Practice medicines safety specific interests

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