

In Practice: Seeking new expert committee members

Morgan Liotta

24/03/2022 2:10:15 PM

The committee aims to support the development of general practice research, leading to more informed policy and practice.

Young woman doing research at desk
RACGP Expert Committee members play a valuable role in providing advice and expertise.

This week’s round up also includes how GPs can get involved in developing the second edition Prison Standards, test the new online exam platform, and attend a range of CPD events.
Call for nominations to RACGP Expert Committee
Nominations are open for eligible RACGP members to join the RACGP Expert Committee – Research (REC−R) to fill two casual vacancies.  Positions will commence immediately and conclude at the RACGP Annual General Meeting in late 2024.
As REC members, GPs play a critical role in providing advice and expertise to the RACGP Board and executive team, using knowledge, skills and experience to shape the college and Australian general practice. 
The RACGP Research Strategy provides an overview of the work and objectives of the REC−R.
To nominate, read the REC Terms of Reference and selection criteria, and email the Research Program Manager to express your interest. 
For more information, contact or phone 03 8699 0572.
Nominations close COB, Thursday 7 April.
Standards for health services in Australian prisons
The RACGP is seeking member and stakeholder feedback on its draft second edition Standards for health services in Australian prisons (Prison Standards).   
The Prison Standards support health professionals and their employer organisations in their endeavours to provide high-quality healthcare to people in Australian prisons. 
The current draft incorporates feedback the college received throughout previous consultation with members and stakeholders. This consultation aligns with a pilot of the Prison Standards in prison health services.
GP feedback, along with the outcomes of the pilot, will inform the next draft and ensure the Prison Standards are meaningful for the healthcare profession. 
More information and the draft Prisons Standards can be found on the RACGP consultations page.  
Vaccination training package for GPs
A new training package for GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists is now available to support vaccination providers in having meaningful conversations with their patients who are considering COVID-19 vaccination.
The training package provides new resources for health professionals to talk to vaccine-hesitant patients who require more information about the safety and merits of vaccination.
It was developed by the Consumers Health Forum in collaboration with public health experts and clinical advisors, and is supported by the Department of Health.
Training videos, individualised tip sheets for Primary Health Networks, GPs, practice nurses and pharmacists, and illustrated story cards that can be used as a conversation starter and a take-home resource for patients are all included in the package. All resources are based on evidence and research around shared decision-making in medicine.
The training package and resources for practices are available on the Consumers Health Forum website.
Assessment and diagnosis of autism guidelines
Webinar: Tuesday 5 April, 7.00 – 8.00 pm (AEST)
This webinar will help GPs to better understand their role first in the first National guideline for the assessment and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in Australia.
Autism expert and Chair of the RACGP Specific Interests Child and Young Person’s Health, Dr James Best, will highlight and explain GPs’ role throughout the diagnostic process outlined in the national guideline.
Register online.
AssessGP – the college’s new online exam platform
The RACGP is developing a new online exam platform, AssessGP, as part of the journey towards returning to the online delivery of written exams.
After undertaking a thorough procurement and software development process, the college is now running a series of progressive trials.  
This includes conducting a member trial on Tuesday 5 April to gather feedback to help progress the system to the next stage of development − an opportunity for members to get an early glimpse of the software and help refine it. 
The trial will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Once registered, participants will be allocated a time between 7.00 – 7.30 pm on that date to take the test.  
More information about the trial and the new AssessGP system is available on the RACGP website
Register for the AssessGP trial online
Applications for the 2023 AGPT Program
The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program offers the chance to start a varied and rewarding career path to becoming a GP.
Applications for the 2023 AGPT Program are open until 11.59‌ pm (AEST) on Tuesday 19 April.
Apply online.
The RACGP is also hosting a series of webinars over the next two weeks covering all details on applying for the 2023 AGPT Program, with an opportunity to ask an RACGP or RTO representative any questions.
Practice Owners Conference
The 2022 Practice Owners National Conference will deliver a robust two-day program covering content relevant to practice owners, aspiring practice owners and practice managers, providing key insights to implement into everyday practice.
The keynote speakers this year include:

  • Major Matina Jewell (retired) − speaking about how leadership can positively impact practices
  • Dr Emil Djakic − discussing how to introduce mixed billing into practices and the benefits of a mixed-billing model, how to manage the transition and how to communicate these changes with patients
  • Sue Langley, CEO and founder of the Langley Group − rounding out the conference by sharing insights on positive practices to increase wellbeing, engagement and performance in general practice teams.
Find out more and register online.
Are your dermatology skills only skin deep?
The RACGP’s Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology, supported by Sonic Healthcare, has been developed to help GPs and GPs in training increase their expertise and confidence when presented with dermatological cases in their practice.
The certificate consists of 25 online courses, a two-day workshop and a three-day clinical experience. GPs can register for the certificate at any time of the year and complete it at their own pace within three years, or enrol for the whole certificate in advance – saving $1125 on course fees.
In-person workshops have now been announced for Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne in 2022, pending COVID restrictions. The two-day dermatological surgery workshop has been approved for 80 CPD Accredited Activity points for the 2020−22 triennium.
More information is available on the RACGP website.
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CPD expert committee In Practice member feedback Prison Standards

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