

In Practice: What are the latest college submissions?

Morgan Liotta

4/11/2021 2:01:20 PM

GPs and GPs in training can also learn more about current rural health topics and apply for educational committees.

Stethoscope on timber floorboards
The RACGP has highlighted its ongoing general practice advocacy efforts in the latest round of policy submissions.

This week’s In Practice round-up includes an outline of the college’s latest policy submissions, how rural GPs can get involved, and upcoming educational webinars.
RACGP submissions
The college has provided two recent submissions outlining its role in general practice policy and advocacy.

Review of the National Medicines Policy
The RACGP’s submission to the review of the National Medicines Policy highlights the importance of implementation, and how the policy will translate into use in clinical practice. It includes high level and practical feedback related to the objectives of the policy, such as:

  • mechanisms and/or mandates implemented to ensure a minimum supply of medication is available in Australia
  • consideration of efficient and cheaper alternatives to community pharmacy dispensing
  • improved post-marketing surveillance
  • clear definition of the term ‘medical devices’, particularly software as a medical device
  • standardisation and quality assurance for supporting tools and software for medical devices
  • prescribing software and medication lists to be fully integrated with residential aged care facilities software
  • complementary and alternative medicines included in medicine databases.
Inquiry into vaccine-related fraud and security risks
The RACGP’s submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement’s inquiry into COVID-19 vaccine-related fraud and security risks provides feedback on the role of GPs during the pandemic and vaccine rollout. Other topics covered include:

  • fake vaccine certificates and how to address them
  • the risks of vaccine misinformation
  • vaccine exemption requests
  • the need for public health information around the importance of vaccines
  • opting out of sharing vaccine information with third parties.
Shaping rural education
RACGP Rural is calling for GPs with a passion for rural education.
The Rural Education Committee is looking for members to help guide the development of CPD for RACGP Rural. The committee meets 6–8 times a year, and members review educational content to ensure it meets rural GP learning needs and RACGP CPD standards. It also offers opportunities to take on facilitation roles at events and educational activities.
Expressions of interest can be sent with a CV to along with a paragraph on why GPs want to be involved. Applications close Friday 12 November, 5.00 pm (AEDT).
Climate change and rural health
Webinar: Thursday 2 December, 8.00 – 9.00 pm (AEDT)
Eligible for two CPD points
Climate change is already having profound effects on the mental and physical health of rural and remote communities in Australia, and GPs are on the frontline. How can GPs respond to this challenge and help their communities transition to a cleaner, healthier and more resilient future?
This RACGP Rural webinar features a panel of experts leading the way in sustainable healthcare in Australia and globally, including:
  • Associate Professor Lachlan McIver, tropical diseases and planetary health advisor, MSF Operational Centre, Geneva
  • Associate Professor Lyn Fragar AO, public health physician, Rural Safety and Health Alliance Chair, and immediate past Chair of Hunter New England Health Service
  • Dr Bob Vickers, rural generalist and clean air advocate, as seen on the ABC’s Fight for Planet A.
Register online.
Expressions of interest: Tripartite Committee for Rural Generalist Anaesthesia
The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), in collaboration with the RACGP and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) are developing a diploma for rural GPs in training and rural GPs wanting to gain skills and qualifications in rural generalist anaesthesia.
The Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (DRGA) is scheduled to launch in January 2023 and is intended to supersede the current JCCA.
The Tripartite Committee for Rural Generalist Anaesthesia was formed with representatives from all three colleges to oversee the establishment, delivery and ongoing governance of the new diploma.
The committee recently held its inaugural meeting, with the next meeting scheduled for 3 February 2022 via video conference, as part of a commitment to meet four times per year.
The committee is seeking expressions of interest from recent JCCA graduates. The initial term of appointment is for 12 months with a view to extend for a further 12 months.
Required criteria:
  • JCCA graduate trained in 2019 or 2020
  • Currently practising as a rural general anaesthetist (RGA) in rural or remote Australia (not required to be a Fellowed RGA)

Desired criteria:
  • Knowledge of, and experience in, governance processes
  • Medical education delivery at any level, eg undergraduate or postgraduate
  • Experience in the assessment of medical trainees at any level, eg undergraduate or postgraduate
Applicants can email CVs with a cover letter briefly addressing the required and desired criteria to Applications close Friday 12 November, 5.00 pm (AEDT).
COVID-19 vaccine rollout: Supporting diverse communities and vaccines for children
Webinar: Thursday 25 November, 7.00 − 8.00 pm (AEDT)
General practice has played a momentous role in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

This webinar will address the unique needs and challenges for vaccinating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and equip GPs to be effective in engaging and communicating with culturally and linguistically diverse patients − including practical tips to care for these groups.
It will also look at ways to address and overcome the challenges of vaccination in people living with cognitive disabilities. Finally, childhood vaccines, the available evidence and research to date – including efficacy data and discussion around parent hesitancy – will also be covered.
Register online.
Are your dermatology skills only skin deep?
The RACGP’s Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology has been developed to help GPs and GPs in training increase their expertise and confidence when presented with dermatological cases in their practice.
Registration for the certificate can be done at any time of the year and completed at participants’ own pace within three years.
Participants can sign up per course or enrol for the whole certificate in advance – saving $1125 on course fees. Register online.
In-person workshops have now been announced for Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne in 2022, pending COVID-19 restrictions. More information is available on the RACGP website.
The RACGP’s Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology is supported by Sonic Healthcare.
RACGP Plus: Exclusive member benefits and discounts
Members can access exclusive offers to engage Officeworks consultation services, which cover planning and installation, while offering cost-effective, fast and easy office fit-out solutions.
For more information and to book a free, no-obligation consultation, visit the RACGP Plus website.
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In Practice medicines review rural health vaccine rollout webinars

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