RACGP seeking GP views on controversial CPD changes
President Dr Harry Nespolon has written to all members, asking them to consider providing feedback to the MBA’s proposed changes.
RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon.
Member feedback through a short online questionnaire will be used to inform the RACGP’s formal response to the changes.
The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) last year proposed a major shake-up of the continuing professional development (CPD) system, which would see a new target of 50 hours per year.
That would replace the current points-based triennium system, where GPs can complete their CPD at any time over the three years through their college.
The 50-hour target would represent a substantial increase for many GPs. Of these hours, at least 12.5 would be focused on ‘measuring outcomes’ and another 12.5 on reviewing performance.
The proposal triggered significant concern among GPs.
In a letter to members, RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon outlines the fact he is concerned the changes would have a ‘substantial impact’ on GPs by reducing their clinical time.
‘[T]he inclusion of performance assessment and measurement of outcomes would have a substantial impact and the time requirement is seen as a further unwarranted imposition on GPs’ valuable clinical time,’ he wrote.
‘To ensure the CPD system is designed by, and for, GPs, the RACGP is preparing a response to the MBA’s proposed revision.’
The MBA is also proposing the creation of CPD homes outside of the current structure.
‘While creating options for GPs as consumers is commendable, the ramifications of a wide choice of CPD homes outweighs the benefits,’ Dr Nespolon wrote. ‘One of the ramifications is the potential to weaken the overall structure of CPD.
‘The risk of fragmenting responsibility will lead to diminished integrity, control and quality outcomes.’
The proposed changes come as the RACGP enters the new triennium with what Dr Nespolon dubbed a ‘vastly improved’ streamlined CPD recording system that allows GPs to record their activities during daily clinical practice.
‘Looking ahead to the new triennium, we’ve adopted a collaborative approach with members and CPD education providers in order to limit disruption and make the entire experience easier,’ he recently wrote in newsGP.
‘The last thing we as a college want to do is increase the workload for our members, as we are acutely aware of the substantial demands already placed on your time every day.
‘The RACGP has one of the best, and most respected, CPD requirements in the world. We are working to seamlessly transition to a revised CPD system that is even simpler, stronger and more adaptable, without member impediment.
‘Medicine has a culture of continuous self-improvement and I expect that to remain the case, regardless of the changes proposed by the MBA.’
Responses to the RACGP questionnaire need to be received by 31 January to allow the submission to be finalised.
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