

Survey seeks to find how GPs use technology – and how it can be improved

Doug Hendrie

9/10/2018 2:29:17 PM

The fourth annual RACGP Technology Survey is now open, with calls for GPs and general practice registrars to have their say.

What priorities do GPs have for technology this year?
What priorities do GPs have for technology this year?

The RACGP is seeking opinions on how GPs and general practice registrars use technology. 

The RACGP Technology Survey 2018 is part of an effort to help build an understanding of what systems are being used, where future investment is needed, and the key technology challenges being faced by general practice teams.
Incoming Chair of the RACGP Expert Committee – Practice Technology and Management (REC–PTM), Dr Rob Hosking, said the survey is a vital way to influence college priorities regarding technology and eHealth.
‘It is a useful tool for individual doctors to provide feedback on what they think is beneficial and what they think of the systems they have now,’ he told newsGP. ‘We base decisions on what the RACGP does in eHealth based on what our members provide as feedback.
‘We know that the GPs who do complete the survey are positive about using IT in their practices and would like to use it even more if there were appropriately user-friendly systems.’
In previous years, GPs have called for easier-to-use referral systems and better ways to receive patient information electronically from specialists and hospitals.
‘It’s helped drive the agenda of the Australian Digital Health Agency in putting more money into getting the secure messaging systems working better,’ Dr Hosking said.
Outgoing Chair of the REC–PTM, Dr Nathan Pinskier, said the survey has been very useful in previous years.
‘It’s given us a much clearer understanding of how GPs and practices use technology, where the emerging opportunities are, where the issue are, and how we can work more collaboratively with the industry going forward,’ he told newsGP.
‘We’ve taken a huge amount of knowledge from this survey. It supports [REC–PTM] to develop resources and tools and advocacy to better support our members.’
The survey is open until Friday 30 November and can be accessed on the RACGP website. It will take an estimated 15 minutes to complete.
The reports from previous surveys are available online.

ehealth technology survey

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