

The defining moments of general practice in 2018: Part 2

Harry Nespolon

20/12/2018 1:08:24 PM

General practice has experienced considerable success in the past 12 months.

The #GPin2018 list can be followed via the @RACGP twitter account.
The #GPin2018 list can be followed via the @RACGP twitter account.

Following the first part of the list published earlier this month, I invite you to join the countdown of some of the moments that have shaped our profession throughout the past year by following the @RACGP twitter account and the hashtag #GPin2018.
Here is the remainder of the list:
newsGP turns one
‘News you can use’.
The RACGP’s news hub, designed and developed for members, newsGP has published more than 1000 articles and is viewed 100,000 times per month.
Increased availability of mental health services in the bush
The RACGP applauds the decision to allow patients in drought-affected areas to access a Medicare rebate for a phone call with their GP, ensuring access to healthcare for people living through one of the worst droughts in Australia’s history.
Practice Experience Program announced
The RACGP’s Practice Experience Program (PEP), commencing in January 2019, will support non-vocationally registered doctors on their pathway to RACGP Fellowship.
Guideline for the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis
The second edition of the guideline explores the effectiveness and safety of commonly used and new therapies for osteoarthritis.
Release of the Green Book
The third edition of the RACGP’s Putting prevention into practice: Guidelines for the implementation of prevention in the general practice setting (Green Book) provides GPs and practice teams with a framework for implementing preventive medicine.
Conference for general practice
The RACGP’s annual conference – GP18 – delivered a range of topics and issues that sit at the heart of general practice. More than 2000 GPs from around Australia came together on the Gold Coast for four days of education, skills-building and networking.
RACGP Specific Interests Chair joins the Board
Dr Lara Roeske, a Victorian GP and practice owner, was appointed the inaugural elected Chair of RACGP Specific Interests.
Changes to PLAN activity
The planning learning and need (PLAN) activity became optional for RACGP Fellows, members and QI&CPD participants.
GPs leading the community in flu protection
The RACGP advised Australian patients to receive their influenza vaccination at the right time, with a specialist GP.
Follow the remainder of the #GPin2018 countdown via the RACGP twitter account.

PLAN Practice Experience Program RACGP conference

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?

newsGP weekly poll Do you think the Federal Government’s expansion of Distribution Priority Areas will make it harder to recruit GPs to regional and remote Australia?



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Bill Meyers   21/12/2018 11:40:14 PM

The RACGP continuing to recommend against medical acupuncture for hip and knee pain misinterprets the evidence for medical acupuncture because of the active placebo comparator in most acupuncture trials. The alleged negative Australian knee pain acupuncture trial was actually positive. Get out of your ivory tower and go to the coal face -the patients need medical acupuncture so they can do their exercise.
