

The defining moments of general practice in 2018: Part 1

Harry Nespolon

13/12/2018 2:34:17 PM

As the end of another year approaches, we should consider the progress and success our profession has experienced over the past 12 months.

The #GPin2018 list can be followed via the @RACGP twitter account.
The #GPin2018 list can be followed via the @RACGP twitter account.

It seems we say this every 12 months, but 2018 was a big year for general practice and the RACGP.
When reflecting on the milestones and moments that have made up 2018, I was struck by how much the RACGP has developed in recent times. Our voice and influence are stronger than ever, with the college opinion sought by decision-makers throughout Australia.
The RACGP is also more visible than it has ever been, with our ever-improving brand campaigns raising our profile across the community. More people than ever are aware that the RACGP is the largest medical organisation in the country, and the representative body and voice for general practice.
We have continued to make major impacts in 2018. We have a very influential voice and we are continuing to use it.
In light of reflection and the festive spirit, the RACGP is taking 25 days of December to re-live a selection of the defining moments of general practice in 2018. I invite you to join the countdown of some of the moments that have shaped our profession throughout the past year by following the @RACGP twitter account and the hashtag #GPin2018.
The list so far:
Most downloaded RACGP resource
Prostate cancer accounted for the second highest number of male cancer deaths in Australia, and the ‘Prostate cancer screening patient information sheet’ was the most downloaded resource for RACGP members in 2018.
Uluru Statement from the Heart
The RACGP continues to support the campaign for recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution, and endorsed the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
The Collingrove Agreement
The RACGP and Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) came together in support of the Collingrove Agreement, to help develop of a national framework for rural generalism.
Australia took first step to combat opioid addiction
Immediate Past President Dr Bastian Seidel led the RACGP in strongly advocating for the up-scheduling of codeine to help combat the opioid crisis in Australia.
International Women’s Day
To celebrate 2018 International Women’s Day on 8 March, the RACGP asked GPs across Australia to nominate a female who has had a positive impact on their general practice journey.
Genomics in general practice
The RACGP’s Genomics in general practice guide, launched in April, provides GPs with practical summaries and key information on how to best manage common genetic conditions.
RACGP launches Australian Journal of General Practice
Formerly Australian Family Physician, the RACGP's peer-reviewed scholarly journal rebranded to the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP), with a new format and updated digital platform to bring general practice research into the spotlight.
No one knows you like your GP
More than two million Australians visit their GP every week. The RACGP’s ‘Specialist in Life’ campaign continued to highlight general practice as the central pillar of Australia's healthcare system.
Standards for after-hours and medical deputising services
New Standards were developed to improve the quality and safety of healthcare provided outside of normal opening hours.
Doctors for asylum seekers and refugees
The RACGP joined forces with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM) and the Australian Medical Student Association (AMSA) to call on the Federal Government to act urgently in addressing the health and wellbeing of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia’s offshore detention.
General Practice: Health of the Nation 2018 report
The RACGP’s annual Health of the Nation report revealed trends and highlights in general practice and the health of Australians.
Third edition of the National Guide
The RACGP and the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) joined to produce the National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which assists GPs and other health professionals to provide best-practice preventive healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
Follow the remainder of the #GPin2018 countdown via the RACGP twitter account.

Australian Journal of General Practice genomics Health of the Nation Prostate cancer screening

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