Introducing the RACGP’s new registrar representative
Dr Krystyna de Lange is the elected 2018 RACGP Registrar Representative.
New RACGP Registrar Representative Dr Krystyna de Lange.
A recent Fellow from Queensland, Dr de Lange will represent registrar interests on the RACGP Council. She will take up the role after the college’s annual general meeting (AGM) on 11 October.
In her candidate statement, Dr de Lange said she wanted to work to make sure the transition of general practice training back to the colleges takes place smoothly, ensuring practices accredited for registrar placement can offer high quality support, and working to standardise support for registrars in the lead up to Fellowship exams.
She also wants to improve employment conditions for registrars, calling for better entitlements for general practice registrars to bring the positions in line with hospital-based registrars.
‘Hospital-based doctors in training receive a number of entitlements that general practice registrars do not receive, such as professional development and study leave,’ she wrote.
‘Publicly employed hospital-based doctors are also entitled to paid maternity leave, which general practice registrars for the most part cannot access through their employers.’
These factors pose a significant financial disincentive for junior doctors wanting to pursue a career in general practice.
Dr de Lange, who has worked across three practices in Queensland, achieved her Fellowship early this year. She has previously been the Registrar Liaison Officer for General Practice Training Queensland.
RACGP Council Chair Dr Tim Koh said Dr de Lange was passionate about the future of general practice.
‘She believes it is of utmost importance that the general practice registrar voice on Council is vocal, is heard and is listened to,’ he said.
Dr Koh praised the work of the outgoing representative, Dr Mary Wyatt, who has held the role since 2016.
‘Dr Wyatt has been instrumental and tireless in advocating for registrars and recent Fellows over the past two years, particularly by providing perspectives from GPs in training, career insights from early career GPs, and chairing the Registrar Membership Advisory Committee,’ he said.
racgp registrar Representative
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