Home oxygen therapy When and for whom should home oxygen therapy be prescribed, and what is the evidence behind it? David Liew chats with respiratory physician Christine McDonald.
More evidence to support rural clinical placements Rural medical graduates and those who spend extended time practising regionally are more likely to become country doctors, new research shows.
In Practice: Upskilling and networking opportunities A bumper edition of In Practice features new tips on named referrals, information on upcoming webinars, and much more.
Pulse oximeters ‘no better than asking patients’: Study Using pulse oximeters offers no noticeable improvement in health outcomes for COVID-19 patients in home care, a trial carried out in the US suggests.
At-risk COVID patients in WA directed to GPs for antiviral access The WA Department of Health has changed the mechanism for prescribing antiviral treatments through its COVID Care at Home program.
Vaccine safety anxiety driving parents towards misinformation How can GPs help combat this trend and ensure these patients don’t fall victim to misinformation?
New interactive patient guide for managing COVID at home The online tool expands on existing RACGP advice, giving low-risk patients a clear and accessible framework to manage their own recovery.
In Practice: update to COVID at-home management guide The RACGP resource has been adapted for people who do not require additional support from their GP while self-managing at home.
Bullying reported by over a third of medical trainees Many of those who experience bullying, discrimination or harassment say it has adverse impacts on their training.
COVID vaccine deferral cut to four-month maximum ATAGI has changed its advice on temporary vaccine medical exemptions due to prior COVID-19 infections.