PIP QI fact sheet clears up uncertainty Released by the Department of Health, the fact sheet seeks to address concerns raised by the RACGP and the wider profession.
GPs urged to show caution when joining PIP QI The Federal Government program will inject $200 million into primary care, but what do practice owners need to be aware of before signing up?
South Australia to address rural GP shortage The South Australian Government has drafted a plan to try and fix the major shortfall in its rural primary care workforce.
Details of government incentive program revealed It is described as a ‘major change’ for general practice, but questions over PIP QI remain less than a month ahead of its implementation.
Changes to health workforce distribution system come into effect newsGP explains the changes and what they mean for rural and remote GPs, international medical graduates and the communities they serve.
Policy responses to increasing workforce supply Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda wants to start a discussion to support planning around a future Australian medical training model.
Financial incentives not effective in tackling rural GP shortages A new study has found non-financial factors to be more important when determining where to live and work.
Primary care really does make you live longer: Study A growing body of evidence shows that primary care doctors are associated with longer lives for their patients.
Unique challenges and unique rewards: General practice in the NT Two GPs from the Northern Territory discuss the reasons behind shortages in their jurisdiction – and what they think might help to fix it.
RACGP to offer Rural Generalist Fellowship from next year The new program is part of a national push to ensure rural and remote Australia has enough highly trained GPs.