National dementia action plan launched The roadmap is designed to ensure quality of life for patients, with prevention and education a ‘huge piece of the picture’.
Core GP research platform rebranded The RACGP’s refreshed branch aims to lead in supporting research that addresses the unique needs of Australian general practice.
In Practice: RACGP seeking new dermatology Chair Nominations are open for a new Specific Interests Dermatology Chair, for RACGP Fellows or members registered with AHPRA as specialist GPs.
In Practice: RACGP Faculty Chairs announced The RACGP welcomes its new and continuing Faculty Chairs who will serve on the Board in 2024.
New water guidelines for PFAS: What GPs need to know Concerned patients have been urged to contact GPs with questions, after the NHMRC called for a crackdown on chemicals allowed in drinking water.
‘Mobile petri dishes’: What bugs are lurking on GPs’ phones? Did you take your phone to Sydney’s WONCA World Conference? Swabs taken at the event found doctors’ mobiles are a ‘breeding ground for contamination’.
Study questions ‘piece-meal’ health prevention funding The Australian research shows only a sliver of the health budget is dedicated to prevention and promotion, but GPs say small changes will make big differences.
GP jumps into the ‘Deep End’ for Churchill Fellowship A movement in Scotland connecting GPs working in the most deprived communities has inspired Dr Tim Senior to create more networks at home.
RACGP opens next round of PhD top-up scholarships Research to avoid burnout and support GP readiness is just one of the projects supported by the RACGP Foundation’s new scholarships.
$660,000 in RACGP Foundation Grants awarded General practice researchers from across Australia will share in the funding, with projects including diabetes, economics, and GP retirement.