Social prescribing: Has the time come for this idea? Should GPs be prescribing social groups to their more isolated patients?
A question of continuity: Keeping prescriptions in general practice RACGP Queensland Chair Dr Bruce Willett examines the issue of whether pharmacists should have the power to prescribe medications.
Pharmacists’ codeine fears overstated, GP says While pharmacists have raised concerns about a shortage of low-dose codeine, Dr Evan Ackermann, a GP with a special interest in drugs of dependence, says the evidence supports up-scheduling.
Medicinal cannabis: A GP examines the evidence GP and integrative medicine practitioner Dr Vicki Kotsirilos writes for newsGP about existing evidence for the provision and use of medicinal cannabis.
Government ignores recommendations from pharmacy review The RACGP is disappointed at the ‘squandered opportunity’ for the Federal Government to make necessary reforms to the pharmacy sector.
GP questions study claiming pharmacists in practices lead to better outcomes Prominent healthcare quality expert Dr Evan Ackermann has told newsGP there are issues with a study suggesting placing pharmacists in general practices leads to a reduction in drug-related problems.
RACGP recommends options for regulation of schedule 8 prescription opioids The RACGP has made a submission to the Department of Health detailing its proposed options for the regulation of schedule 8 prescription opioid medicines.
RACGP calls for consistent, simplified medicinal cannabis framework The RACGP has articulated its view that the current system for prescribing medicinal cannabis products in Australia is ‘highly bureaucratic, time-consuming and expensive’ in its new position statement on the subject.
New South Wales slashes red tape for medicinal cannabis New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt have announced a significant overhaul of the application process for medicinal cannabis in NSW.
Discussing the effects of codeine up-scheduling in general practice Dr Evan Ackermann, GP and key author of the RACGP’s ‘Prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice: Part C’, talks with newsGP about his initial experiences following the up-scheduling of codeine.