Members urged to have their say in crucial vote A resolution to confirm RACGP director remuneration was narrowly defeated at last year’s AGM, prompting the need for a new vote.
RACGP re-elects Censor-in-Chief Dr Tess van Duuren speaks to newsGP about ‘problem solving’ and the transition to college-led training.
GPs needed to inform nurse practitioner arrangements A review is underway to shape best practice collaborative care arrangements and clearly define the embedded roles, and the college wants member input.
Free flu vaccinations: Everything GPs need to know Universally free flu vaccines are now available – in theory at least – across all Australian states. Here, newsGP sums up the latest details.
Take action: How practices can reduce their environmental impact A new RACGP resource serves as a ‘timely reminder to take collective responsibility for the climate health emergency’.
What are the major healthcare challenges facing the new government? RACGP state and territory faculty chairs lay out the main general practice issues confronting their area.
‘So many positives’ at PONC 2022 Hundreds of GPs and practice managers attended a massive Practice Owners National Conference in Hobart over the weekend.
‘The phrases that made me’: Dr Cameron Loy In an inspiring speech on being presented with the RACGP’s Rose-Hunt Award, Dr Cameron Loy recalls the sayings that have shaped his GP career.
In Practice: GP feedback on post-election advocacy priorities The RACGP is seeking member feedback to inform its engagement with the new or returning government after the Federal Election.
GPs in training: Opportunity to lead in clinical research Applications for the 2023 AGPT Academic Post Program will open from 2 May, with the position offering an insight into life as an academic GP.