Joining the social circle in rural Australia Weaving into a small community’s social fabric is a key aspect of life as a rural GP.
eHealth Forum: Technology and modern general practice The RACGP Expert Committee – eHealth and Practice Systems’ (REC–eHPS) third annual eHealth Forum will be held tomorrow, Thursday 23 November, at RACGP House in East Melbourne.
Caring for refugee patients in the community: Dr Geraldine Duncan Dr Geraldine Duncan, a GP in Wagga Wagga in NSW, has been a key figure in refugee healthcare since the town became a resettlement area in the late 1990s.
New faces on the RACGP Council The 60th RACGP Council was sworn in at last month’s Annual General Meeting held during GP17, with four new members officially assuming their positions.
Record numbers at GP17 Last week’s GP17 was the RACGP’s largest ever annual conference, with a record 2278 delegates making their way to Sydney. ‘The RACGP’s annual conference is the highlight event of the year for GPs, offering a platform to discuss and debate the serious issues facing general practice and the health of all Australian patients,’ RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel said.
RACGP back in charge of training The RACGP will resume delivery of general practice training in Australia, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt announced this morning at GP17. ‘General practice training is back with the RACGP, where it should always have been,’ he said during his keynote address.
Reimagining healthcare communication US physician Dr Jay Parkinson used his opening keynote address at GP17 to challenge GPs’ traditional views of patient interaction, ‘blowing up’ the idea that the consultation room is the exclusive domain of healthcare results.
RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel’s GP17 opening plenary speech Ladies and gentlemen, each year numerous stakeholders and partners of the RACGP collaborate with us in support of the annual conference. An event of this calibre would not be possible without their support, and I would like to offer my sincere thanks on behalf of the RACGP to the sponsor organisations appearing on the screen now.
GP17 kicks off The RACGP’s annual conference for general practice – GP17 – got underway in Sydney this morning, with President Dr Bastian Seidel emphasising the college’s increasing diversity and advocacy efforts.
The future of general practice is now RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel officially opened the National Academic Session, Fellowship and Awards Ceremony of this college’s 2017 conference for general practice – GP17 – yesterday in Sydney, welcoming 213 New Fellows to their life in general practice.