RACGP seeks member input on its updated Vision The Vision forms the basis of the college’s ongoing advocacy strategy for delivery of quality healthcare.
Become a GP The RACGP launches its ‘Become a GP’ campaign, which highlights the benefits of choosing general practice as a career.
Researchers appeal for support, with some GPs forced to ‘moonlight’ The establishment of UK fellowships to support GPs combining research with clinical work has prompted calls for a similar initiative in Australia.
The defining moments of general practice in 2018: Part 2 General practice has experienced considerable success in the past 12 months.
OSCE 2018.2 exam report: Tips for candidates to improve outcomes The RACGP has released its latest biannual report on the Objective Structured Clinical Examination.
New advice on multiple prescribing and complementary medicines A collaboration between Choosing Wisely and the PSA has produced recommendations that provide increased clarity around best prescribing practices.
The RACGP wants to hear from you CEO Dr Zena Burgess discusses the vital role member feedback plays in shaping college policy now and into the future.
Why the Queensland mandatory reporting laws must be changed RACGP Queensland Chair Dr Bruce Willett writes about the need for doctors to safely seek the help they need.
GPs on frontline of drug dependency in rural and remote areas Australia’s country GPs are often the first – and only – healthcare contact for people struggling with addiction in rural areas.
Teens’ privacy to be protected by MHR amendment The Federal Government has listened to the RACGP’s concerns about teen privacy and My Health Record, eHealth expert Dr Nathan Pinskier tells newsGP.